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Domestic Rabbit By. Maddie Ms. Weinberg. Domestic Rabbit.

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Presentation on theme: "Domestic Rabbit By. Maddie Ms. Weinberg. Domestic Rabbit."— Presentation transcript:

1 Domestic Rabbit By. Maddie Ms. Weinberg

2 Domestic Rabbit

3 Why I chose My Animal? I chose my anmale becase it is a intreting anmal and a good life.

4 Appaerance The domesticrabbit is a furry animal that weighs about 5 pounds. A domestic rabbit is usually gray and black but it can be a lot of different colors. They have ears that can flop down or go straight up. They have long strong legs to make them hop. They have a puffy tail. The domestic rabbits appearance helps it to have a better chance of surviving in the wild

5 Habitat Do you know where a domestic rabbit lives? A domestic rabbit lives in the U.S.A. They live in mostly dry grass. They dig holes called burrows that they put their food in. The rabbits hibernate for winter. They also dig holes in back yardsA domestic rabbit will do great in the wild because they have all the food they ne

6 Diet or rugs out of them. Domestic rabbits have t be really careful in the wild so they will not be in danger! Food The domestic rabbit eats mainly things that make them grow strong and healthy. Do you know what a rabbit eats? A rabbit eats plants, roots, bark, trees, fruit, snails and worms. They eat a lot of things so they can survive in the winter. Rabbits store their food in the holes they dig. If you have a pet rabbit give it a lot of food so it can get strong. This is what a rabbit eats to help it grow healthy and strong so it can survive in the wild.

7 Family Rabbits have many babies. A domestic rabbit has 2 babies or more. The Mom has to take good care of her babies when the Dad gets the food. The Mom gives her babies some milk so they have a drink before the Dad gets back. A domestic rabbit will not live without their family.

8 Predator /Prey/Adapt The domestic rabbit can be a predator to some and also be a prey to others. Some of rabbit’s predators are cats, dogs, crows, tigers, and lions. People like to hunt them and this is bad for the rabbits!! They like to make fu

9 Interesting Facts

10 Photo Gallery

11 About the Researcher Hi my name is maddie murphy I love to run and tex it is so much fun my frends Natila,LUCY,Alisa,CHOLE

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