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Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Classical Views of Leadership & Management BY Dr. Raj’a Nayef Zyoud.

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2 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Classical Views of Leadership & Management BY Dr. Raj’a Nayef Zyoud

3 Nursing has always held a human care and caring stance with respect to people and their health- illness-healing concerns. (Human Caring Science: A Theory of Nursing, page 43) Dr. Jean Watson Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud

4 Leadership VS. Management Managementis the attainment of organizational goals in an effective & efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, leading, & controlling organizational resources. Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective & efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, leading, & controlling organizational resources. Is the process of leading & directing all or part of an organization through manipulation of resources.

5 Dr.. Raj'a ZyoudManagement Getting things done through others.” All of the activities and tasks undertaken by one or more persons for the purpose of planning and controlling the activities of others in order to achieve an objective or complete an activity that could not be achieved by the others acting independently.” “All of the activities and tasks undertaken by one or more persons for the purpose of planning and controlling the activities of others in order to achieve an objective or complete an activity that could not be achieved by the others acting independently.”

6 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Nursing Management Is the process of working through nursing members to achieve organizational objectives. It is the coordination and integration of nursing resources by applying the management process in order to accomplish care and service, goals and objectives. Successful nursing management must use managerial functions; planning, organizing, directing and controlling in an interrelated form to solve the problem. It is the coordination and integration of nursing resources by applying the management process in order to accomplish care and service, goals and objectives. Successful nursing management must use managerial functions; planning, organizing, directing and controlling in an interrelated form to solve the problem.

7 Dr.. Raj'a ZyoudManager A manager is someone who plans, organizes, leads, and controls the people and the work of the organization in such a way that the organization achieve its objectives

8 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud The Nurse Manager The nurse manager is neither genuine, nor hero, but rather he is persistent, tough-minded, hard worker, intelligent and have analytical ability. He is the key person who coordinate the work through management levels.

9 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Manager Roles Informational Monitor Disseminator Spokesperson Interpersonal Figurehead Leader Liaison Decisional Entrepreneur Disturbance Handler Resource Allocator Negotiator

10 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Management process It is called a process because the work of attaining objectives through a series of interrelated and interdependent activities and these activities each one is considered a process in itself. PlanningOrganizingleading (Directing)controlling The management process always begins by planning and ends by controlling. Traditionally management process consisted of four elements: Planning, Organizing, leading (Directing), and controlling.

11 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud

12 Management Functions Planning The process of selecting and developing the best course of action to accomplish an objective Keystone of all other management functions

13 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Organizing Follows planning and reflects how the organization tries to accomplish the plan. Involves the assignment of tasks, grouping of tasks into departments, and allocation of resources.

14 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Leading The use of influence to motivate employees to achieve the organization's goals. Creating a shared culture and values, communicating goals to employees throughout the organization, and infusing employees to perform at a high level.

15 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Controlling Monitoring employees' activities, determining if the organization is on target toward its goals, and making corrections as necessary.

16 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Organizational Hierarchy Organizational Hierarchy

17 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Management in the Organization Hierarchy Operative/Lower management close to the actual processes short time range of planning

18 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud -The lowest level of management comprising the management personnel, such as shop floor supervisors and foremen. -They look after day-to-day operations and develop short-range plans referred to as operational plans for controlling day-to-day operations.

19 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud This level of management ensures that the decisions and plans taken by the other two are carried out. Lower-level managers' decisions are generally short-term ones. They are responsible for operational decisions.

20 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Middle management and experts development of their units and coordination between other same level units plant managers, region managers, business unit managers middle time range of planning

21 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud -It represents functional managers,such as production manager, finance manager, marketing manager, etc. -These managers are responsible for implementing the policies of the top management pertaining to their areas of operation, by identifying, arranging and allocating resources needed.

22 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud -They formulate medium term plan covering a time span of about one year referred to as tactical or aggregate planning. Mid-level managers have a specialized understanding of certain managerial tasks.

23 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud They are responsible for and carrying out the decisions made by top-level management. They are responsible for tactical decisions.

24 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Top management Top management strategic planning overall development and coordination of organization long time range of planning

25 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud - The highest level of management comprising of the Board of Directors,Chief Executive and Head of Divisions. -The basic function of the top management is to set overall organizational policies through long-term planning referred to as strategic or conceptual planning.

26 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Top-level managers require an extensive knowledge of management roles and skills. They have to be very aware of external factors such as markets.

27 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Their decisions are generally of a long- term nature. They are responsible for strategic decisions. They have to chalk out the plan and see that plan may be effective in future

28 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Management Competencies Conceptual Skill—the ability to see the organization as a whole and the relationship between its parts. Human Skill—The ability to work with and through people. Technical Skill—Mastery of specific functions and specialized knowledge.

29 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Three basic competences, Level of management Technical skillsInterpersonal skillsConceptual skills

30 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud The Skill Approach skills are learned, not inherited Diagnostic skills to define problems correctly and find correct solutions Decision making skills competence to understand the organization competence to make decisions when all information is not available Time management skills

31 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Be proactive Begin with the end in mind Put first things first Think win-win Seek to understand and then to be understood Synergize Sharpen the saw

32 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Leadershipis an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their shared purposes. Leadership is an influence relationship among leaders and followers who intend real changes that reflect their shared purposes. The art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal.

33 What is leadership? Leading people Influencing people Commanding people Guiding people Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud32

34 Dr.. Raj'a ZyoudLeader Leaders are in the front, moving forward, taking risks, and challenging the status quo.

35 Transactional Leaders Focus on tasks, and getting the work done. Transformational Leaders Focus on vision & empowerment. Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud

36 Types of Leaders Leader by the position achieved Leader by personality, charisma Leader by moral example Leader by power held Intellectual leader Leader because of ability to accomplish things Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud35

37 The led: followers you are responsible for leading. The leader: who you are, what you know, what you can do. The situation: all situations are different. Communications: the exchange of information and ideas between one another. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud36

38 Leadership Traits Interested in group's concerns while sensitive to individual needs. Aware of current social and political situations. Good communicator and group interaction skills.. Patient, creative and flexible. Decisive when necessary. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud37

39 Promotes consensus, compromise and trade - offs. Integrates a variety of different perspectives. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud38

40 What is needed to be a good LEADER? 1- Personnel skills 1- Personnel skills 2- Technical skills 2- Technical skills 3- Established Methodology 3- Established Methodology Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud39

41 1. Ability Leaders must demonstrate superior ability, whether it is technical or organizational. Skills for a successful leader: Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud40

42 2. Credibility Leaders should know the “rules of the game”, the norms, expectations, and the values of the group to be supervised. Knowing the norms means being able to communicate.. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud41

43 3. Representation and Buffering Nothing substantiates the position of the leader more than his ability to handle external relations. From the view of the subordinates, the leader is the link with the outside world, which directly relates to the management, salary increase and promotions. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud42

44 4. Social Distance New leaders must successfully manipulate the social distance, the gap that separates them from their followers. 5. Insulation from other competing initiations The ideal position for leaders is one in which subordinates have no other conflicting initiations. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud43

45 6. Persistence By persistence we mean simply repetition, clarity of command, self-confident dominance – being able to keep asking, talking, explaining, and demonstrating your ideas. 7. Practice Leaders gain their status and responsiveness by getting subordinates used to following their directions. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud44

46 8.Momentum Subordinates never want mindless or needless orders from managers who only want to demonstrate authority through commanding deference. Employees want reasonable autonomy. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud45

47 9.Charisma Many of us have observed articulate, persuasive leaders, proverbial salesmen who can talk reluctant others into accepting their proposal. This is what we call Charisma, which is an ability to persuade the others with ones ideas without exerting lots of efforts. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud46

48  Seek to establish through mutual give- and-take a common understanding of the nature of the problem and the surrounding constraints. Agreement on the problem is an absolute prerequisite to motivating the search for solution. 10.Persuasion Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud47

49 11- Coaching  Effective leaders keep urging on key subordinates to keep fighting, to keep pushing against time to pretend that every one else will be on time, to seek equally satisfactory alternatives when the original plans are no longer feasible. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud48

50 12- Incentives and Motivation  Social scientists have found that employees are most responsive to incentives that don’t depend on a powerful boss’s bestowing them as upon dependent subordinates. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud49

51 Define the task Plan Brief / communicate Control Evaluate Motivate Organize A leader needs to:- Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud50

52 Set an example Set a direction Align peoples’ efforts Bring out the best in people Act as a change agent Handle uncertainty & crises Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud51

53 Seven Qualities of a Strategic Leader Direction (purpose & aim of business) Strategic thinking (bridging the gap between now and future) Making it happen (details) Relating the whole to the parts Establishing allies & partners outside the business Releasing corporate energy Develop leadership in the others Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud52

54 Why is leadership important in health care? Health care professionals work in teams or groups as well as on an individual basis The quality of team leaders is crucial to the well being of staff and patients Showing the way by going first Need to be accountable to those you serve Staff need support, feedback about performance, clear job content and development Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud53

55 leaders or managers leaders or managers Leadership qualities of individuals in middle and first line leadership position are required. Not appropriate to have all staff focusing on ideas and changes – nor all staff focusing on getting the day-to-day job done. What is needed is: A healthy MIX of leaders and managers Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud54

56 What do employees want? First: To be treated fairly First: To be treated fairly. A sense of achievement from work. Second: A sense of achievement from work. Third: Camaraderie - working well together as a team is a tremendous source of satisfaction for people. satisfaction for people. Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud55

57 Key themes around embodying leadership in professional practice Articulating the vision Motivation Decision taking Releasing talent Responsiveness and flexibility Embodying values Innovation and creativity Working across boundaries Personal resources Source: ‘Workforce and development’ Leadership Working Group (2000). Workforce and Development: Embodying leadership in the NHS. NHS Executive London. October 2000 Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud56

58 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Functions of Management Versus Leadership Management produces Order and Consistency Planning / Budgeting Establish agendas Set time tables Allocate resources Organizing / Staffing Provide structure Make job placements Establish rules and procedures Leadership produces Change and Movement Establishing Direction Create a vision Clarify big picture Set strategies Aligning People Communicate goals Seek commitment Build teams and coalitions

59 Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud Management Controlling / Problem Solving Develop incentives Generate creative solutions Take corrective action Leadership Motivating and Inspiring Inspire and energize Empower subordinates Satisfy unmet needs

60 How Far Can You Go? Mrs. Raj'a Nayef Zyoud59

61 Case Leadership is needed to keep any situation from deteriorating further. Divide into groups. Develop a plan of action for solving this problem. First select desired objectives for solving the problem, and then proceed to determine what you would do that you would enable you to meet your objectives. Dr.. Raj'a Zyoud

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