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EQ: What are the most effective ways to carry out a scientific inquiry?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: What are the most effective ways to carry out a scientific inquiry?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: What are the most effective ways to carry out a scientific inquiry?

2  Sometimes in science, events are so big (like the explosion of a volcano), or so small (like the movement of Euglena) or so distant (like the movement of a star) that it is impossible for our brains to understand them in their entirety.

3  The scientific approach to understanding these events is a process that breaks down complex events into smaller pieces that can be studied and understood.  These smaller parts are called variables.

4  Variables are factors, conditions, and/or relationships that can change or be changed in an event or system

5  In a scientific investigation there are 3 kinds of variables:  Independent  Dependent  Controlled

6  This is the factor or condition that is intentionally changed.  May only have one in a valid experiment!!!!  EX: A study was done to find if different tire treads affect the breaking distance of a car.  I Variable: tire treads

7  This is the factor or condition that might be affected as a result of the change.  EX: A study was done to find if different tire treads affect the breaking distance of a car.  D Variable: breaking distance

8  These are the variables that should not change.  Not necessarily mentioned in a description or hypothesis.  EX: A study was done to find if different tire treads affect the breaking distance of a car  Controls: same car, new brake pads each time, same speed, same place applying brakes…

9  Two groups of students were tested to compare their speed working math problems. One group was given calculators, the other was not Each group was given the same math problems.  I Variable:  D Variable:  Controls:

10  Independent Variable: Use of calculators  Dependent Variable: Speed computing the problems  Controls: same problems, same kids…

11  Students of different ages were given the same puzzle to complete. The puzzle assembly time was measured.  I Variable:  D Variable  Controls:

12  Independent Variable: Age of students  Dependent Variable: Speed of puzzle assembly  Controls: same puzzle

13 EQ: What are the most effective ways to carry out a scientific inquiry?

14  A hypothesis is a tentative statement that proposes a possible explanation to some phenomenon or event.  A useful hypothesis is a testable statement which may include a prediction.

15  The key word is testable.  That is, you will perform a test of how two variables might be related.  This is when you are doing a real experiment. You are testing variables.

16  Usually, a hypothesis is based on some previous observations.  Such as noticing that in November many trees undergo color changes in their leaves and the average daily temperatures are dropping.  Are these two events connected?  How?

17  Cooler days in November may cause the leaves on the trees to change color  *Dawn dish soap may blow bigger bubbles  All of these are examples of hypotheses because they use the tentative word "may.". 

18  However, their form is not particularly useful. Using the word may does not suggest how you would go about proving it.  If these statements had not been written carefully, they may not have even been hypotheses at all.  For example, if we say "Trees will change color when it gets cold.“, we are making a prediction.  Or if we write, "Dawn dish soap will blow bigger bubbles”, this could be a conclusion.  One way to prevent making such easy mistakes is to formalize the form of the hypothesis.

19  If leaf color change is related to temperature, then exposing plants to low temperatures will result in changes in leaf color.  Notice that these statements contain the words if and then.  They are necessary in a formalized hypothesis.  If you always ask yourself that if one thing is related to another, then you should be able to test it.

20  Formalized hypotheses contain two variables.  One is independent and the other is dependent.  The independent variable is the one you, the scientist control  The dependent variable is the one that you observe and/or measure the results.

21  But not all if-then statements are hypotheses.  For example, "If I play the lottery, then I will get rich."  This is a simple prediction.  In a formalized hypothesis, a tentative relationship is stated. For example, if the frequency of winning is related to frequency of buying lottery tickets.

22  A study was done to find if different tire treads affect the breaking distance of a car.  Independent:  Dependent  Hypothesis --- Make sure a relationship between the I and D variables is clear

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