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Institut für Wissenstechnologien 1 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome Welcome – VU Semantische Technologien 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Institut für Wissenstechnologien 1 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome Welcome – VU Semantische Technologien 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 1 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome Welcome – VU Semantische Technologien 2012 (707.011) Viktoria Pammer-Schindler, Wolfgang Kienreich October 11, 2012

2 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 2 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome English or German? Slides will be in English – but if all students are German-speaking the course will be in German!

3 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 3 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome What you will hear today… Who are we? What will you learn? How is the course organised? How will you get graded? Introduction and Motivation to Semantic Technologies

4 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 4 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome We… Work also at the Know-Center (and the Knowledge Technologies Institute of course) Have implemented, acquired, managed many innovative knowledge technology projects (industry and research)

5 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 5 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome What will you learn? Data modelling Semantic technologies Related topics

6 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 6 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome How is the course organised? Workshop-style Lectures (full 3hrs incl break): –1: Conceptual and logical ER models,(Oct. 25) –2: RDF, XML and Notation 3 (Nov 8) –3: RDF(S), First Order Logic, OWL (Nov 15) –4: Querying: Xquery, Xpath, SPARQL (Nov 22) Lectures (approx 1hr lecture + 1hr consultation): –5: JAVA APIs for reading, writing, storing RDF and triple stores (Nov 29 – guest lecture Franjo Bratic/Alfred Wertner) + voluntary home assignment Assignment Start (Nov 29) –6: TBD – probably Linked Open Data (Dec 6) –7: TBD – probably Visual Analytics (Dec 13) –8: TBD – probably Web 2.0 and Semantic Technologies (Jan 10) –9: TBD (Jan 17) Assignment Submission (Jan 17) –10: Assignment presentation and discussion (Jan 24)

7 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 7 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome How will you get graded? Compulsory attendance and involvement in lectures 1-5 and 10 (final presentation and discussion) –1 Non-attendance permitted IF cleared with instructors Fulfill assignment (start on Nov 29 – end on Jan 17) –The assignment will be presented in detail, including grading criteria, on Nov 29. It is a programming assignment that involves a bit of everything you have learned in lectures 1-5. –Grading will be based on assignment. Present and discuss assignment (Jan 24) –The presentation will not be graded, but is a defense/discussion of your work.

8 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 8 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome A note on communication and work ethics… Communication opportunities: Weekly in class and per mail (response may also take some time!) During the assignment, take the opportunity to talk to us after the lectures (7-10) –Mail: Work Ethics –We expect you to do the work on your own (group) –If we find out that you have copied your work, the grading is negative.

9 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 9 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome You… #Yes#No Who has done data modelling? Who has worked with XML? Who has worked with RDF(S)? Who has worked with OWL? Who has worked with Xquery? Who has worked with Xpath? Who has worked with SPARQL? Who has worked with Java? Who has worked with triple stores?

10 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 10 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome Who does NOT have a laptop? Lectures 1-5 are planned workshop-style – Bring You Own Laptop

11 Institut für Wissenstechnologien 11 V. Pammer-Schindler, W. Kienreich Oct 11, 2012 VU SemTech 2012 - Welcome Any Questions?

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