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AWG5000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator Fact Sheet Industry-best mixed signal stimulus for complex measurement challenges Featuring:  1.2 GS/s and.

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Presentation on theme: "AWG5000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator Fact Sheet Industry-best mixed signal stimulus for complex measurement challenges Featuring:  1.2 GS/s and."— Presentation transcript:

1 AWG5000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator Fact Sheet Industry-best mixed signal stimulus for complex measurement challenges Featuring:  1.2 GS/s and 600 MS/s models  480MHz effective RF output  14-bit vertical resolution  2 or 4 analog outputs, single-ended or differential  28 variable level digital data outputs  Generation of complex Radar, Digital Communication, and OFDM waveforms with RFXpress® software tools  4 or 8 variable level marker outputs  Up to 32 M point record length  Down to 800 ps resolution edge timing shift control  8000 steps real-time sequencing creates infinite waveform loops, jumps and conditional branches Excellent signal dynamic range and integrity High performance capabilities at mid-range AWG prices FeaturesBenefits Multiple output typesSave cost and bench space by replacing multiple instruments with one, flexible signal generator capable of analog, digital and mixed signals. 4 ChannelsSingle box simplifies test set, reduces uncertainty and is easier to use for multiple signal generation 14-bit vertical resolutionEasily stress test your device by creating high resolution ideal, distorted or “real-world” signals with glitches and other signal impairments. Deep MemoryGenerate long, complex waveforms Waveform sequencing & sub-sequencingReal-time sequencing creates infinite waveform loops, jumps, and conditional branches for longer pattern length generation suitable for replicating real world behavior Dynamic JumpThe dynamic jump capability enables the creation of complex waveform sequences that can respond to changing external environments RFXpress® softwareQuickly create digitally-modulated IQ and IF signals for both standard and custom applications with support for a wide range of modulation types Integrated PCSeamlessly integrate to your network with LAN and USB ports. Easily save data with a built-in DVD, removable hard drive and USB ports on the front

2 Key specifications and ordering information 2/11 JS/WWW 76W-22673-2 AWG5000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator Fact Sheet © 2011 Tektronix ModelsChannelsSample RateResolutionMemory Depth AWG5014C41.2 GS/s14-bit16 M all channels AWG5012C21.2 GS/s14-bit16 M all channels AWG5002C2600 MS/s14-bit16 M all channels Instrument Options Opt. 0132 M points/channel Opt. 09Dynamic Jump & Sub-sequencing AWG5012C/5002C only: Opt. 0328-bit digital data outputs Recommended Service Options Opt. CA1A single calibration event. Opt. C3Calibration service 3 years. Opt. C5Calibration service 5 years. Opt. D1Calibration data report. Opt. D3 Calibration data report 3 years. Opt. D5 Calibration data report 5 years. Opt. R5Repair service 5 years. Key Software Analysis Packages RF Application Software RFX100 General-purpose IQ, IF and RF signal creation software package. Opt. RDR Radar signal creation Opt. OFDM Generic OFDM signal creation Opt. SPARAS-Parameter emulation and DUT Characterization Opt. UWBCF UWB-WiMedia IQ, IF and RF conformance signal creation Opt. UWBCT UWB-WiMedia IQ, IF and RF custom and conformance signal creation (requires UWBCF). Serial Data Application Software SDX100 Jitter generation software package. Opt. ISI S-parameter and ISI creation. Opt. SSCSpread spectrum clock addition option. Key ApplicationsBenefits  Digital Communication  Flexibility to create standard or customized complex waveforms  Replay, and edit, waveforms captured on scope or RSA  Radar signal generation  Radar signal creation tools provide the ultimate in flexibility for creating narrowband complex radar waveforms  I/Q modulator test  Generate multiple synchronized IQ signals  Consumer electronics  Accurately create signals for functional test  Reduce development time and cost with a single instrument that supports a wide range of signals  DAC Testing  Generate analog and digital signals from a single box  Serial data  Accurately create signals for Ethernet and USB2.0 compliance test

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