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EBSCO Discovery Service. Discovery Background –Quickly –By small development teams –Using rudimentary relevance algorithms built around searching article.

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Presentation on theme: "EBSCO Discovery Service. Discovery Background –Quickly –By small development teams –Using rudimentary relevance algorithms built around searching article."— Presentation transcript:

1 EBSCO Discovery Service

2 Discovery Background –Quickly –By small development teams –Using rudimentary relevance algorithms built around searching article titles and words within the full text –Often as a side project for companies who invest more technical resources into ILS First generation discovery services were developed:

3 EDS Background –Years in the making –Extraordinary technical development resources pre-launch –By far the main technical focus of EBSCO post launch (EBSCO is not diverted by ILS, instead choosing to partner with existing ILS vendors): 330 of 424 developers & software engineers working on EDS as of 2014 –Sophisticated relevance and value ranking algorithms refined through unparalleled end user testing EDS is next generation technology:

4 Discovery Service Adoption Worldwide 2014 EBSCO stands as the front-runner, with a long lead of 5,612 library subscribers to EDS. OCLC reports 1,717 libraries with access to WorldCat Local, though a smaller number use it as their primary discovery interface. Ex Libris has licensed Primo to 1,407 libraries. ProQuest reports 673 libraries using Summon. American Libraries April 15, 2014 [Marshall Breeding] “ ”

5 NISO Report “The Future of Library Resource Discovery” Marshall Breeding February 18, 2015 http://americanlibrariesmaga systems-report/ http://americanlibrariesmaga systems-report/ Discovery Service Adoption Worldwide 2015

6 What is Discovery? Three Interlinked Systems EDS Publication Finder Full-Text Finder

7 Global Search Scope Local Search Scope Link to FullText Think of these systems as

8 EDS Publisher Provided Full-Text (Springer, Wiley, Elsevier, etc.) Partner Databases (Web of Science, SCOPUS, TEMA etc.) Partner Databases on EBSCOhost (PsycINFO, INSPEC, etc.) Library Catalog Institutional Respository EBSCO Discovery Service

9 Focus on the user and all else will follow… Google: 10 things we know to be true

10 Using EBSCO Discovery as the library home page

11 Embedding EBSCO Discovery in the Library homepage

12 Offering Guest access

13 Enhancing the Search Box...

14 Results enhanced with Research Starters, Koha Catalogue, widgets

15 Increasing visibility of your collections

16 Focus in on a particular resource

17 Incorporate the OPAC e.g. Heritage

18 Shared catalogues

19 Showcase certain products

20 Incorporating local collections

21 Highlight ebooks

22 No dead- ends

23 Incorporate Inter-Library Loan

24 Discovery Services: A White Paper For The Texas State Library & Archives Commission By Arta Kabashi, Christine Peterson, And Tim Prather Amigos Library Services August 2014

25 Link to Executive Summary Discovery Services: A White Paper For The Texas State Library & Archives Commission By Arta Kabashi, Christine Peterson, And Tim Prather Amigos Library Services August 2014

26 EBSCO’s Relevance Ranking The system has the following priorities and has no bias toward content from any provider: 1) Match on subject headings from controlled vocabularies 2) Match on article titles 3) Match on author keywords 4) Match on keywords within abstracts 5) Match on keywords within full text Exact Matches: Exact matches are favored over partial matches – considering also the field in which those words appear (abstract vs. full text vs. title, etc.) Density: The number of times the word(s) appears relative to the size of the document (more is better) – considering also the field in which those words appear (abstract vs. full text vs. title, etc.)

27 Evaluating the Central Index Is the indexed content a good fit? –Inclusion of your journals titles and holdings –Inclusion of your subscribed databases Richness of metadata Ability to incorporate desired content in the future 27 Athena Hoeppner

28 Concept-based Search EDS includes content with high-quality subject indexing using different specialized vocabularies Unfortunately, user search terms and precise subject indexing terms do not always align Opportunity exists to better leverage subject indexing for keyword- based discovery in EDS

29 EDS includes mapping of “see also” and “use for” terms in nearly 100 index thesauri Academic Search America: History & Life Art Abstracts ATLA Religion Database Business Source CAB Abstracts CINAHL GeoRef HeinOnline Historical Abstracts Inspec MathSciNet MEDLINE / PubMed MLA International Bibliography PsycINFO RILM Abstracts of Music Literature SocINDEX SPORTDiscus

30 Team, Full Support of Discovery Discovery Solutions Coordinator Software as a Service (SaaS) Operations Catalog Specialists Training Specialists Discovery Service Engineer Technical Support

31 Support network >8,200 ‘developers’, ‘support staff’ for EDS

32 @choneybourne Thank You

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