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Published byDerrick Briggs Modified over 9 years ago
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Steering Committee Meeting 13 th of May 2009 Institutional Support to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) and River Basin Authorities
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo 1 - Information system for water resource management Data capture and storage, exchange Laboratory analysis Reference data - GIS
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 1 - Information System for Water Resource Management - Activities Progress Pilot project : water status assessment Preparation of biological analyses, recruitment of experts Data collection/ needs Data catalogue and portal Priority ground water needs better identified Problem of access to data catalogue on MESP web site, web portal not well developed Quality management of lab analysis and Hydrological data Study tour in France well appreciated, follow up mission mid-May 09 with quality management expert approved WISKI tool: data are loaded but not yet checked Rating curves little progress SQL database- GIS support Monitoring database Permit data base client/server application in development, test with users started, data not yet transferred Agreement for developing a monitoring database with WD contribution on Access software,
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Study tour on quality management for laboratory analyses
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 1 : Problems / risks, plan for next period Problems/ shortcomingsConditions/risksPlan for response Limited availability and exchange of data: especially for ground water Rainfall data insufficient Info. available and transparent Info shared among project partners Give back information produced by project to data holders to get more data Specific project might be needed on rainfall data Maintenance of data catalogue, problem of security (hacker) WISKI software routine use Work on GIS Partners sufficient resource and capacity More regular contacts with partners to assess work done additional training where appropriate Creation of rating curves Partners sufficient resource and capacity Study tour in Nimes to improve capability and knowledge of equipment : specific project might be needed
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo 2- Monitoring system Monitoring system Laboratory analysis Insure the quality of data Programme of surveillance (WFD) Storage and control in the Hydrometerological institute (HMIK) or other institutions Hydrology WISKI software River Lakes Ground Water Protected zones Physico- chemistry- biology Monitoring database
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Monitoring strategy– step by step approach QuantityChemical Status Ecological Status Flow, discharge,Water LevelPriority substances ofWFD Annex XMicro-pollutantsMakrozoobenthosMakrophytes,Phyobenthos, Diat.FishesHydromorphologyPhysico-chemicalparameters Legend: Phase I1. Priority, parameter currently monitored, aggregate observation points and number of observations (see Excel table in Annex) Phase II2. Priority, issue for the year 2009, possibly distribute effort on two consecutive years, include Phase III3. Priority, develop methods with the help of university Phase IV4. Priority, develop methods as soon as staff, instruments and expertise is available
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 2 - Monitoring network improved - ActivitiesProgress Review of existing surface monitoring and proposal for improvement Monitoring system strategy discussed for water surface, phase plan proposed Ground water acquisition plan for Drini River Basin and proposal for a ground water monitoring system Arrival of new KE3, delineation of ground water bodies, strategy for ground water monitoring proposed, collection of data started (in March 09) ToR for procurement and installation of new equipment/infrastructure and training needs First proposal regarding resource and monitoring development. ToR for works on contract Drilling investigation More basic data on ground water needed in the first place
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 2 : Problems / risks / plan for next period Problems/ shortcomingsConditions/risksPlan Ground water information not available Importance of monitoring understood Continue negotiation with data holders, Pilot project on ground water on data acquisition Elaboration of ToR for ground water monitoring and for drilling contract Sufficient detail and quality informed decisions for the design TOR After first data acquisition, propose standard drilling contracts for each type of drilling ( shallow, profound)
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo 3 - Modeling for water resource planning Data capture and storage, exchange Data use for planning, decision inputs Synthetic information for public and stakeholders Indicators, Water quality evaluation Tools box of models Assumptions, scenario Water demand, water balance, Realistic objectives and Plans Permit Issuing Feasibility, Involvement of stakeholders River Basin Authorities
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo What if more irrigation areas are developed (with same irrigation efficiency)?
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 3 – Modeling tools for water management planning ActivitiesProgress Hydrological study and preparation of data for modelling Almost completed, old data are of sufficient quality Setting up the model for Drini River Basin Test of the model on Radoniqi sub-basin Calibrate model Test and calibration done Estimate water balance and water demandWater balance and water demand assessed on Drini River Basin and pilot area, (end Feb 09) Involvement of stakeholders for improved water management planning Training on scenarios building and result analyses carried out
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 3 : Problems / risks / plan for next period Problems/ shortcomingsConditions/risksPlan to response Use of model after project end Availability of staff with sufficient modelling background To develop a manual and propose frequent opportunities for training and practices (additional days to the expert for training) Recent hydrological data are not sufficient and of adequate quality to be used for modelling Quality of recent and future data Use old data series Technique of data generation Pilot project to collect more accurate data on demand Opportunities to introduce outputs in Municipal plans Effective collaboration and commitment at national and municipal level Field trip with stakeholders, develop realistic options for Radoniqi water system
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo 4 - Modeling for flood risks plans Data capture and storage, exchange Data use for planning, decision inputs Synthetic information for public and stakeholders Indicators, Water quality evaluation Tools box of models Flood risk Vulnerable areas Realistic objectives and Plans Flood risk maps and plans Feasibility, Involvement of stakeholders River Basin Authorities
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Selection of flooding zone - Skenderaj
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 4 – Flood risk mapping and planning ActivitiesProgress Assessment of basin wide flood risks, Pilot project in Skenderaj to develop methodology for flood risk. First mapping of flooding zone in Skenderaj and for Drini river available (end Feb 09) Develop a sub-basin flood management plan Gaps for development of management plan identified, quality of GIS database Elaborate a flood management action plan Contact with Municipality of Skenderaj ToR for Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Plan in Kosovo A draft ToR produced for a Water Supply and Sanitation Investment Plan
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Pilot zone area
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Near a bridge
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Flooding at river basin level
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Mapping of flooding zone
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 4 : Problems / risks / plan for next period Problems/ shortcomingsConditions/risksPlan to response Follow up of ToR, each donor has his own policy A consensus on content of the works scope Coordinate with other partners Delineate the inundated areas with sufficient accuracy with GIS tools Accurate and recent Digital Elevation Model Work on quality of the GIS data Lack of rainfalls data Lack of recent hydrological data Data on water demand inaccurate Use of specific techniques for estimation. Collect information in the field during the summer Opportunities to introduce outputs in Municipal plans Effective collaboration and commitment at national and municipal level Meetings in Municipalities and awareness campaigns. Availability and quality of data
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo 5- Legislative institutional aspects Acquis Communautaires : Water Directives Institutions for river basin approach
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 5 – Institutional support to River Basin Dist. Auth. ActivitiesProgress Proposal of functions and responsibilities of Riv. Bas. Dist. Authorities Review of water act and subsidiary acts, shortcomings identified Draft a subsidiary actAdvantages and limits of options for river Basin District Authorities analysed JSTE to be recruited, possible follow up with TAIEX Study tour to learn about River Basin Organisation Study tour to be organised in neighbouring country (Bulgaria) in following months Propose a Drini RBDA capacity development plan Progress on this issue, regarding staff needed
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 5 : institutional aspects Review of the water law and subsidiary act by international expert
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 5 : Problems / risks / plan for next period Problems/ shortcomingsConditions/risksPlan to response Willingness to progress in this issue Political commitment is ensured Further discussion on this issue in MESP Change of Permanent secretary Relationship between the Water Department and the RBDA are clarified at high level. Continue to inform the high level through Director of the water department and direct contact Resource to be devoted and staffing of the RBDA Insufficient human and financial resources, low priority Evaluation of the financial need and the possibility to raise additional resource using the polluter pays principle ( study tour including economical aspects)
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo 6- Training Aspects Water surface profiles ArcGIS Geometric data Parameters Schematic Flow discharge Hydrology Hydraulic model
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 6 – Training activities – visibility – events ActivitiesProgress Organise formal training on specific subjects GIS training, English training completed WISKI training on hydrological database Organise studies tours, participation to conferences Study tour in a private laboratory for 8 technician and engineers of HMIK for 8 days Evaluation of trainingEvaluation sheets : high level of satisfaction for study tour evaluation for English on-going WISKI training follow up not sufficient
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo RESULT 6 : Problems / risks / plan for next period Problems/ shortcomingsConditions/ risks Plan to response Application of methodologies not possible because of inadequate equipment in WD Model and GIS tools can be run by the WD staff New equipment is ordered Practice of the methodology has to be developed Time consuming Production of manuals, On-the-job in small groups including application of methodologies in practical case For the use of sophisticated tools, a long practice is needed before the tools can be used properly. The technical background of the staff is sufficient for the use of the tools Prepare ToR for sub-contracting when needed, work to be done using modelling Follow up missions Absorption capacity is not high ( little number of persons among partners organisation) Recruitment of qualified new civil servants
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Outputs done in 2008 / Outputs to be done in 2009 Feb- Apr 08 Mai- July 08 Aug- Oct 08 Nov 08 Janv 09 Feb-May 09 Wk Gp G ACTIVITIES - RESULTS Information System Monitoring network Modeling tool box Flood/ WasteWater Treatment Plant Institutional support River Basin Auth. Training Data catalogue Data status report Codification - database Pilot Project Strategy monitoring Pilot project Model set up and tested Water balance Pilot project (PP) Flood risks mapping and plans Training plan report Outputs done Contribution RBDA development On going Draft WSS investment Plan Data acquisition Groundwater ToR Monitoring system Pilot project GIS Data quality
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo ACTIVITIES PLANNED FOR NEXT PERIOD Feb 09 – end May 09
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Subjects with progress expected Feb to end May 2009 (1) INFORMATION SYSTEM - Sql /GIS database prototype for permitting, -Ground water acquisition pilot exercise preparation (equipment, methodology, recruitment, place) -Biological analysis pilot exercise started in Prizren sub-basin -Web protal improvement -databases for measurements data developed with WD involvement MODELING WITH WEAP – River basin management -Involvement of planners (field visit) -Training and preparation of manuals, steps for sustainability MODELING FLOODING RISKS -Preparation of data acquisition -Improvement of GIS data
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Subjects with progress expected Feb to end May 2009 (2) WATER SUPPLY AND WASTEWATER INVESTMENT PLAN Coordination through information of other actors LEGISLATION - INSTITUTIONS Analyse and proposal for improvement of water acts and subsidiary acts T RAINING Preparation of training tours a) Institutions (Bulgaria June 09) b) Hydrology ( Nimes –France June 09)
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo MANAGEMENT ISSUES - CONCLUSIONS mid-term review of the project with the partners provide opportunities to propose step to increase project impact : sustainability plan proposed to be developed (October 09) KE3 replaced, ground water aspects will progress Demand from the partner to practice more the methodologies and tools developed through on the job training in small groups with project experts First study tour was very much appreciated other study tours are planned on institutional aspects, hydrology New pilot exercises for summer 2009 –flooding risks mapping, –ground water acquisition, –biological analyses, –acquisition of data for modelling
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo Mid-term review
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo
Institutional Support to Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning (MESP) & River Basin Authorities An EU project managed by the European Commission Office in Kosovo THE END Thank you for your attention
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