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ALICE 5 o’clock meeting Wk 49
7/12/105 o’clock meeting2 Access request Cavern and surface You should submit an ADI and a task procedure Two persons minimum Work breakdown structure – risk associated at each step ADI Task procedure Template EDMS 1103355 Attach task procedure
7/12/105 o’clock meeting3 ALICE Christmas break schedule OpenExperiment TRD EMCal CloseExperiment Open L3 doors Close L3 doors
7/12/105 o’clock meeting4 UX25 access Rules for access restrictions: Removal/installation of shielding (restriction includes RB24 triplets) PX24 blocks: no access CR5 and UX25 PX24 beams (35t): no access CR1-5, Expo, and UX-25 All other blocks: no access to UX-25 LHC evacuation test (7/12 after 18:00 and 24/12 tbc) – no access UX25 Gas functional test (10/12 - 2 hrs) – no access UX25 and CR1-5 AUG test (20/1) (Arrêt Urgence General – General Emergency Stop) – no access UX25 DSO test (12-13/1) (Department Safety Officer) – no access UX25 No access SX2 during manipulation of blocks in SX2 (except ACR and WRs)
7/12/105 o’clock meeting5 L3 (and MNF) access No Ventilation EMCal No Ventilation +AUG Wks 50 and 4: access (TPC) to be coordinated with TC (transport) Wks 1-2: no access during EMCal SMs insertion inside L3 (see day-by-day) When moving from low-beta to yellow platform: no access to MNF When inserting the module: no access L3 and MNF Watcher needed in wk 49 and from wk 4 onwards Wk 6 or 7 (tbd): Kr calibration – TPC T stability (all interventions to be agreed by TC/RC) 24 31 Evac.
Day-by-day schedule UX25 and MNF - Wk 49
7/12/105 o’clock meeting7 18:00: end HI program –Ramp down both magnets. !!! Emergency dump !!! 18:00 – 22:00: access system test. No access UX25 22:00: RPE survey (Jiri + 2 nd person) –Then go to restricted mode Week 49 - 6/12 Monday Program
7/12/105 o’clock meeting8 Activities in UX25 - Week 49 - 6/12 Monday No access UX-25 - possibility of access from 22:00 ITECO HAULOTTE TRD team at CERN: 6 to 10/12
7/12/105 o’clock meeting9 8:00 - 18:00: UX25 cavern in Restricted mode –No access UX25 (except Transport, VAC, TC and RP) 8:30 - 9:30: RP liquid (and gas) sampling (Adeline, Pierre) –Collect RP samples (Fernando, Philippe) –Survey L3 and Dipole 18:00 - 21:00: evacuation test – No access UX25 From 21:00 - Cavern in General mode 14:00 - 15:00: Portuguese Press visit. 10 persons Week 49 - 7/12 Tuesday Program
7/12/105 o’clock meeting10 ALTEAD: PX24 shielding blocks – top layer removed –8:00 to 18:00: no access CR5 Reinstall crane electronics - Problems (ongoing) 14:00 to 15:00: put SM16 into the rotator - Ongoing VAC: Neon injection preparation - Started –Transport needed (EDH 4472100) –Remove “green fence” (P2 technician) Stop flammable gases i-C4H10 and CH4 (Ar/H2 on 10/12) - Done 8:30: Lock L3+Dipole power converter + compensator magnet - Done Test transmission of alarm lift to FB 8:30: inspection PHOS cooling plant (Arturo, Dominique, Philippe, Sasha) – Done (will install temporary line) 15:15: VIC SPD – Done + Gas VIC DCS: 10:00 – 12:00, interruptions of the GPN link to/from P2 – Done. DCS got stuck. Investigating why MCR (Magnet Control Room): HW modifications (Pascal B.) – Started TRD (after 21:00): Wiener PS back-plane modification and LV consolidation (L3) Week 49 - 7/12 Tuesday Activities
7/12/105 o’clock meeting11 Activities in UX25 - Week 49 - 7/12 Tuesday 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 (except Transport, VAC, TC and RP) 18:00 – 21:00: evacuation test (No access UX25) VAC RP samples PX24 shielding: blocks TRD Wiener PS
7/12/105 o’clock meeting12 8:00 - 18:00: UX25 cavern in Restricted mode –No access UX25 (except Transport, VAC, TC and RP) From 18:00 - Cavern in General mode 18:00: Confined Space Training –Tour in L3 at the end of the course Week 49 - 8/12 Wednesday Program
7/12/105 o’clock meeting13 ALTEAD: PX24 shielding beams (35t) –8:00 to 18:00: no access CR1-5 and Expo –Stabilizers (after 18:00) –Move nacelle ITECO VAC: Neon injection Activities after 18:00: EN-CV: empty TPC tank TPC: replacement of damaged FECs (C-side) TRD: Wiener PS back-plane modification and LV consolidation (L3) SPD: cut inox pipes Muon TRK: CROCUS firmware upgrade Muon TRG: Maintenance Local decision electronics and upgrade FE threshold distributors T0: investigation broken amplifier (MNF and L4-rack) Week 49 - 8/12 Wednesday Activities
7/12/105 o’clock meeting14 Activities in UX25 - Week 49 - 8/12 Wednesday PX24 shielding: beams (35t) VAC 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 (except Transport and VAC) 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode Move TRD Wiener PS Cut SPD pipes Stabilizers Muon TRG TPC FEC and TRD LV TPC cooling Muon TRK: CROCUS firmware upgrade T0
7/12/105 o’clock meeting15 Activities in MNF - Week 49 - 8/12 Wednesday 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode T0
7/12/105 o’clock meeting16 Activities in UX25 - Week 49 - 9/12 Thursday VAC MNF shielding 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 (except Transport and VAC) TRD Wiener PS RAMSES: removal of Data Acquisition modules CR5 Stabilizers No access CR1-5 during lifting up of 5 big beams Interruption on auto-transfert network (from 07:00 till 07:05). No access underground TPC FEC and TRD LV EMCal team at CERN: fit rollers on all SMs Muon TRK: CROCUS firmware upgrade
7/12/105 o’clock meeting17 Activities in MNF - Week 49 - 9/12 Thursday 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode
7/12/105 o’clock meeting18 Activities in UX25 - Week 49 - 10/12 Friday Move if needed LV156 Gas functional test (2h no access UX25 and CR1-5) Maintenance PX24 MAD (transparent) MNF shielding No access CR1-5 during lifting up of 5 big beams 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 (except Transport) TRD Wiener PS TPC FEC and TRD LV EMCal team at CERN: fit rollers on all SMs Muon TRK: CROCUS firmware upgrade
7/12/105 o’clock meeting19 Activities in MNF - Week 49 - 10/12 Friday 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode
7/12/105 o’clock meeting20 Activities in UX25 - Week 49 - 11/12 Saturday LV156 MNF shielding 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 (except Transport) TRD Wiener PS TRD LV
7/12/105 o’clock meeting21 Activities in MNF - Week 49 - 11/12 Saturday 8:00 to 18:00: no access UX25 18:00 to 8:00: access in general mode
7/12/105 o’clock meeting22 Activities in UX25 - Week 49 - 12/12 Sunday Access in general mode
7/12/105 o’clock meeting23 Activities in MNF - Week 49 - 12/12 Sunday Access in general mode
Services interruption
7/12/105 o’clock meeting25 Maintenance gas systems Functional tests New gas monitoring 13-15/12: Stop N2, CO2, Neon, Ar and C2H2F4 (24 hours max N2, CO2 and Neon) TRD backup (N2 bottle in CR5) – HMPID backup (Ar bottle in SG2) 13
7/12/105 o’clock meeting26 Gas system status over Christmas Albin TPC & TRD: ON TOF: ON – stop from 12 to 21/1 (cooling stop, KNF pump stopped) HMPID: ON (Ar backup) PHOS: N2 flushing PMD: ON (except wks 1-2 – gas stop) Muon TRK: backup CO2 Muon TRG: backup Ar No flammable gases from 7 Dec until 21 Jan PM (after maintenance L3 ventilation)
7/12/105 o’clock meeting27 Maintenance cooling units Cooling Plants and Primary Network Cooling towers Maintenance on production network. No primary water from 12/1 (PM) to 21/1 CR1-2-3, the Wiener PS and detector cooling plants affected (plants can RUN, but no cooling power). Part of DCS will be kept running Maintenance and consolidation 17 21 12 TOF/PHOS EMC HMPID SPD TPC 10 Maintenance on cooling plants. Replacement of pneumatic actuators for TOF/TRD/TPC plants + TOF/PHOS flowmeter. CP will be stopped during maintenance SSD/SDD TRD
7/12/105 o’clock meeting28 Maintenance ventilation units SG2 UX25, Muon TRK-TRG 17 12 UX25, Muon TRK- TRG L3
7/12/105 o’clock meeting29 Safety and electrical systems PX24 fire detect. 20 UX25 fire detect. + red phones UPS AUG UPS DSO Evacuation DSS SNIFFER mainten. Auto-transfert Evacuation Early morning/late evening (tbc)
7/12/105 o’clock meeting30 LHC evacuation tests (7/12 after 18:00 and 24/12 tbc) –no access UX25 EN/EL: interruption on auto-transfert network (9/12 from 07:00 till 07:05): –All 'normal power‘ will be cut for 5 minutes: wall outlets, non-UPS in the ACR, SXL2, non-UPS power for the cooling plants, gas systems –It will not affect the 'machine network‘ (all racks will remain powered (part of the 'EXD', machine, network) –This network also provides the power to the UPSes, so they will run on battery for the time of this cut –See EN/EL: AUG Test (20/1) (Arrêt Urgence General – General Emergency Stop) –Major electrical perturbation. Also ACR affected DSS modification (13/1) –Will stop the full DSS, trigger all interlocks, including stopping power to all racks Safety and electrical systems Impact on ALICE
7/12/105 o’clock meeting31 DAQ upgrade plans 21 st Dec PM till the 04 th Jan included –The DAQ will be OFF during the CERN closure. –The ACR PCs will be left ON to give access to the DCS for the detectors teams who need it. 5 th to the 11 th of January included –DAQ restarted on the first working day for 1 week. The DAQ will be switched ON with the present version of all software. Allow a quick commissioning after the installation of new detector modules or the intervention on existing detectors. 12 th to the 23 rd Jan included –The DAQ will be OFF during the cooling interruption at P2. –DAQ renovated (see TB December) 24 th January –The DAQ will be ON again. It will run under SLC5 64 bits unless there would be an unexpected key problem. The electronic logbook will remain available during the whole period. When the DAQ will be OFF, it will be running in the DAQ lab in Meyrin. There will be a few hours of interruption to switch from P2 to Meyrin and back. Pierre/Uli
7/12/105 o’clock meeting32 DCS plans Baseline: DCS will be operational all times where technically possible –With ‘best effort’ support –With access restrictions during CERN End-of-Year closure (22/12 – 4/1) Many activities and upgrades are planned –Will be coordinated with individual detectors to minimise impact –For central systems, as much as possible in shadow of other perturbations (e.g. cooling stop) –Perturbations (e.g. for reboots etc.) cannot be excluded Detectors are invited to communicate ‘critical periods’, with services needed –Will try to cater for detector needs as much as possible Known perturbations: –Tue 7/12 10:00 – 12:00, interruptions of the GPN link to/from P2 Upgrade of router, test impact on ALICE –Wk50 (13-17/12) – major updates to all PC (many perturbations to be expected) –12/1 – 21/1 (cooling stop), only minimal central services. All detector DCS switched off, except for special requests and if cooling power allows More detailed planning at weekly and daily meetings André / Peter
7/12/105 o’clock meeting33 DCS plans Wk 49 –Tue 7/12 10:00 – 12:00: interruptions of the GPN link to/from P2 No connectivity on GPN (mail on laptops etc.); could have impact on running systems (is the main reason for this test: try to spot dependencies) Done – switch upgraded to 10x higher bandwidth; experienced blockage of DCS; to be investigated more tests needed later. –Wed 8/12 – Fri 10/12 (daytime): SW upgrades and patches to central systems, to detectors on request only (Operating system and PVSS) Systems unavailable for short (~hrs) periods, frequent reboots Wk 50 –Mon 13/12 – Tue 14/12 (daytime): Force upgrades and patches to all remaining systems Systems unavailable for short (~hrs) periods, frequent reboots –Support to detectors restarting/testing their systems after upgrades Detectors shall test functionality as much as possible Wk 51 –Tue 21/12 PM: Limit access to DCS cluster during end-of-year closure Register with your SRC if you require access (see message Peter 2/12/2010) André / Peter
7/12/105 o’clock meeting34 Magnet control upgrade Wk 49: nous devons intervenir dans la MCR pour: –changement des alimentations 24V et 48 V des systèmes MSS et MCR (préventif) –changement des modules convertisseurs PT100 des hots points du Solénoïde (correctif suite à deux incidents ayant entrainés l'arrêt du Solénoïde) et en UX25, comme Philippe Bouvier l'a déjà signalé: –recâblage des AU du dipôle et du Solénoïde –signalisation du champ magnétique du dipôle et du Solénoïde Nous étudions toujours une solution pour le monitoring des températures du Solénoïde. L'arrêt de fin d'année va permettre de faire une meilleure approche de ce qui est existant en UX25. En ce qui concerne l'alimentation électrique de la MCR, nous dépendons actuellement d'une seule source de courant sous UPS avec secours diesel. Afin d'établir une redondance pour l'alimentation de la MCR je souhaiterais installer une seconde source d'alimentation sous UPS. Je sais qu'une étude est faite à ALICE pour augmenter la puissance des UPS existants en 2012. Je souhaiterais que cette demande soit incluse pour le calcul de puissance des nouveaux UPS (besoin pour la MCR: 16A en monophasé) Pascal
7/12/105 o’clock meeting35 AOB SLIMOS
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