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Islam By: Alex Dulong and Coran Tatum /in/photostream/ Islamic Mosque.

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Presentation on theme: "Islam By: Alex Dulong and Coran Tatum /in/photostream/ Islamic Mosque."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam By: Alex Dulong and Coran Tatum /in/photostream/ Islamic Mosque

2 578986/sizes/l/in/photostream/ Mecca, Saudi Arabia is one of the most sacred places for Islam religion, because Islam originated there.

3 / One of the values of the Islamic religion includes honoring the Muslim women that follow.

4 sizes/m/in/photostream/ The Quran is the religious book for the Islamic religion, based off of the God of the Quran; a transcendent, powerful, and merciful being.

5 hra/3690868496/sizes/l/in/photostream / Before Muslim weddings, a temporary die called henna is painted in elaborate designs on the hand of the bride a groom.

6 79175750/sizes/z/in/photostream/ Eid al- Fitr is a celebration that finalizes Ramadan- a month of fasting. It is one of the many celebrations that are rejoiced in the Islam religion.

7 n/photostream/ 38/sizes/l/in/photostream/ Muslims view Muhammad as the last prophet in a line that includes Abraham, a Biblical feature also viewed by Jews and Christians. Such other prophets shared include Noah, Moses, and Jesus.

8 hotostream/ Muslims pray to one God, which makes them monotheistic, along with Jews and Christians.

9 zes/l/in/photostream/ Today, Islam heritage remains in the Arab countries of Middle East, where 90-95% of people claim Islam as their religion. In many countries of Southern Asia and Africa, more than 50% of the population follows Islam. Arabian Peninsula

10 /photostream/ The parents of the partners are to decide if the couple is to be married. There are strict rules for the couple such as: regulating how much time the partners can spend together.

11 Works Cited Gale Virtual Reference Library. Ed. Lindsay Jones. Macmillan Reference USA, 2005. Web. 11 Nov. 2010.. Hodges, Rick. "Views on Culture and Values." What Muslims Think and How They Live. New Jersey: Mason Crest Publishers, 4004. 43-59. Print. Whitehead, Kim. Islam: The Basics. Ed. Khaled Abou, Dr. and Shams Inati, Dr. Pennsylvania : Mason Crest Publishers, 2004. Print.

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