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EPIC Utilities for Management, Display, and Analysis of Oceanographic Data D.W. Denbo 1, N.N. Soreide 2, M.C. Spillane 1, and W.H. Zhu 1 1 Joint Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "EPIC Utilities for Management, Display, and Analysis of Oceanographic Data D.W. Denbo 1, N.N. Soreide 2, M.C. Spillane 1, and W.H. Zhu 1 1 Joint Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 EPIC Utilities for Management, Display, and Analysis of Oceanographic Data D.W. Denbo 1, N.N. Soreide 2, M.C. Spillane 1, and W.H. Zhu 1 1 Joint Institute for the Study of Ocean and Atmosphere, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 2 NOAA/Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory, Seattle, WA

2 November 17, 1998 Ocean Community Conference '98 2 Background zEPIC was developed at NOAA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Laboratory (PMEL) to manage hydrographic and time series oceanographic observational data sets. zEPIC system provides yData Archival and Retrieval yDesktop Display and Analysis yUtilities for Web Access and Display

3 November 17, 1998 Ocean Community Conference '98 3 Data Management zEPIC provides utilities for database support yMetadata loaders yData selection programs zEPIC supports several SQL databases (INGRES, mSQL, PostgreSQL) zSearchable metadata includes ycruise identifiers ymooring name yinstrument name and type

4 November 17, 1998 Ocean Community Conference '98 4 Modular and Open EPS Library Applications zEPIC programs are modular to enhance flexibility zMultiple data formats are supported via “epslib” zGateways for Matlab and other commercial packages are provided API File Independent Layer FDL ExistingPlanned

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9 November 17, 1998 Ocean Community Conference '98 9 Data Analysis & Display zTypically the researcher will use EPIC tools to: ySelect a data set yRefine the initial data selection yAnalyze the data yDisplay the results with publication quality graphics zEPIC analysis tools available on: yUNIX yVMS (VAX and AXP architectures)

10 November 17, 1998 Ocean Community Conference '98 10 Data Analysis & Display (continued) zEPIC analysis tools can work with yprofile data (CTD casts, XBT, bottle) ytime series (moored instruments) yADCP (acoustic doppler current profiler) ydrifting buoy data zTools can calculate wide range of oceanographic parameters including dynamic height, geostrophic velocity, and potential density.

11 November 17, 1998 Ocean Community Conference '98 11 Data Analysis & Display (continued) zEPIC programs are available to: ycompute statistics yauto and cross spectra yauto and cross correlation yempirical orthogonal functions ydisplay sections, time series, multi-variable CTD casts zEPIC’s modularity allows a researcher to easily add new analysis techniques or use a favorite graphics program.

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16 November 17, 1998 Ocean Community Conference '98 16 Web Access via EPIC zEPIC utilities for creating dynamic Web pages include: yAnyURL - uses forms to point to static URLs (gif, mpeg animations, or other Web pages) ycover - dynamic generation of graphics or listings by running existing utilities from a Web page yEPIC Web Browser - utility for viewing observational data on the Web by creating graphics and listings “on the fly” ym2gif - convert Plot Plus output directly to gif format

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19 November 17, 1998 Ocean Community Conference '98 19 Availability zEPIC is freely available and used at numerous oceanographic institutions yWoods Hole Oceanographic Institute yU.S. Geological Survey yScripps Institution of Oceanography yetc... zAvailable at: zEPIC Home Page:

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