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Importing USGS Data into ArcView GIS Michael D. Hyslop GIS Analyst, Ecological Monitoring and Mapping Lab School of Forestry & Wood Products Michigan Technological.

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Presentation on theme: "Importing USGS Data into ArcView GIS Michael D. Hyslop GIS Analyst, Ecological Monitoring and Mapping Lab School of Forestry & Wood Products Michigan Technological."— Presentation transcript:

1 Importing USGS Data into ArcView GIS Michael D. Hyslop GIS Analyst, Ecological Monitoring and Mapping Lab School of Forestry & Wood Products Michigan Technological University Houghton MI 49931-1295 (906) 487-2308

2 Formats “native” to ArcView Shapefiles Arc/Info coverages (PC & workstation) SDE files (via extension) Arc/Info grid files (with or without spatial analyst) Image data (more options with extensions) ASCII data (point as event theme; GPS data) CAD (dxf, dwg, dgn) files (via extension)

3 Formats you can import into ArcView.e00 files via IMPORT or IMPORT71 MapInfo files via MIFSHAPE DMA DTED, ASCII or binary grid, USGS DEM files (with Spatial Analyst) ASCII generate files (via script) AV3.2 includes sdtspoint2arc and sdtsraster2grid translators, can be used to import SDTS format DLGs and DEMs

4 Lots of data not directly compatible DLG data SDTS data, both DLG and DEM 1:24,000 & 1:2,000,000 DLG - SDTS only 1:24,000 DEM - SDTS only

5 Where to get USGS Data Eros Data Center: GIS Data Depot:

6 Tools to Import Data DLG2shp script (Mark Cederholm) ESRI Data Automation Kit FME evaluation copy DLG Files

7 Tools to Import Data BLM Utilities (Sol Katz) sdts2dem32 -- converts SDTS-format DEM to standard DEM SDTS Extension (David G. Tarboton, Utah State) extension that converts SDTS-format DEM to grid FME evaluation copy sdtsraster2grid included with ArcView 3.2 SDTS DEM Files

8 Tools to Import Data BLM Utilities (Sol Katz) sdts2dlg -- converts SDTS-format DLG files to standard DLG and sdts2dxf -- converts SDTS-format DLG files to DXF available from SDTS DLG Files

9 Tools to Import Data Most of the above are available from a single location:

10 Data Import Tutorials US F&WS Tutorial, (Deb Southworh Green) Step-by-step procedures to get data into AV Terrain Modeling with ArcView GIS, Mike Price, ESRI Six-part article available online or in ArcUser magazine BLM Walkthrough Step-by-step instructions for importing SDTS DLG data

11 SDTS Information and Utilities Data Sources NSDI Web Page of the USGS SDTS Information SDTS Home Page

12 SDTS Information and Utilities SDTS Translation help Public Domain software for SDTS Digital Data FAQ Technical Assistance Resources Tips on Using DLGs in ArcView Translators and Utilities USGS

13 SDTS Information and Utilities ArcView DEM DLG SDTS Translators and Utilities GeoCommunity

14 Importing USGS Data into ArcView GIS Michael D. Hyslop GIS Analyst, Ecological Monitoring and Mapping Lab School of Forestry & Wood Products Michigan Technological University Houghton MI 49931-1295 (906) 487-2308

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