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Character Education Character Trait Trustworthiness

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Presentation on theme: "Character Education Character Trait Trustworthiness"— Presentation transcript:

1 Character Education Character Trait Trustworthiness

2 Trustworthiness Definition: Being honest and reliable in carrying out commitments, duties, and obligations.

3 Trustworthiness Example
Always return items I have borrowed.

4 Trustworthiness Example
When others count on me to do what I say I will do.

5 Trustworthiness Words
honesty integrity loyalty reliability promise trust reputation commitment obligation truth candor confidence

6 Loyalty Definition: Making it a responsibility to promote and protect the interests of people and associations.

7 Loyalty Example A loyal person supports and protects family, friends, community, and country.

8 Loyalty Example A person whom is loyal doesn’t gossip or talk behind the backs of others.

9 Loyalty Example A person who is loyal doesn’t violate ethical principles and doesn’t ask a friend to engage in wrongful activities.

10 Integrity Definition: Behaving the same ethical way in any situation or place; being your best self.

11 Integrity Example A person of integrity stands up for his/her beliefs about what is right and what is wrong.

12 Integrity Example A person of integrity shows commitment, courage, and self-discipline.

13 Integrity Example A person of integrity doesn’t get involved in things that he/she thinks are wrong, even under social pressure.

14 Trustworthiness Quotes
Be honorable yourself if you wish to associate with honorable people. -Welsh Proverb

15 Trustworthiness Quotes
Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes. -Carl Jung

16 Trustworthiness Quotes
Friendship with oneself is all-important, because without it one cannot be friends with anyone else. -Eleanor Roosevelt

17 Trustworthiness Quotes
It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not. -Andre Gide

18 Trustworthiness Quotes
Those people who are uncomfortable in themselves are disagreeable to others. -William Hazlitt

19 “The Blind Woman and the Physician.” -Aesop

20 Discussion Questions for “The Blind Woman and the Physician”
1. Do you think that the woman owes the physician anything?

21 Discussion Questions for “The Blind Woman and the Physician”
2. Have you ever felt taken advantage of?

22 Discussion Questions for “The Blind Woman and the Physician”
3. Why is it wrong to take advantage of others?

23 Discussion Questions for “The Blind Woman and the Physician”
4. Would you consider someone who takes advantage of others trustworthy?

24 Discussion Questions for “The Blind Woman and the Physician”
5. How can you avoid taking advantage of other people?

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