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The Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario ICT Applications Opportunities and Challenges to Sustainability February 12, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "The Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario ICT Applications Opportunities and Challenges to Sustainability February 12, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Federal Economic Development Initiative in Northern Ontario ICT Applications Opportunities and Challenges to Sustainability February 12, 2002

2 2 Jobs - Network maintenance, Web Design, Content Management, ISP, Product Sales and Service Education - Capacity Building, Online training Information/Services - research, sharing Business Growth and Development First Nation Opportunities resulting for Broadband Access

3 3 Broadband Business Case What needs to be considered : Is there a Business Case - cost vis-a- vis benefits Who is our customer How do we structure it What capacity will we need

4 4 Broadband Business Case Who are my customers: Health, Education, Band, NAPS Residences Small Business

5 5 Broadband Business Case Where will the operating funding come from: Health, Education, Band Sale of product and services ISP Consulting/Contract - Web content

6 6 Broadband Business Case What is needed to make it happen: Community Champion(s) Community Partners ( also your customers) Community buy In - must build awareness Capacity

7 7 Broadband Business Case Strategic Considerations: Profit Centre Approach. Building partnerships outside the community Thinking Big Meeting the qualification needs of your customer - certified/accredited

8 8 Broadband Business Case Broadband Business Case Other resources: Computers for Schools & Student Connections ABSN for research Good web sites - See conference package

9 9 Our Challenges * Building Capacity ASAP * Leveraging the modest market base * Raising awareness in SME’s of the importance of ICT to their success * Planning for change * Sustainable in all communities


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