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UTAH JUVENILE JUSTICE SERVICES Tim Lane, Manger STD Program, Utah Department of Health Penny Davies, Director of Clinical Services, Planned Parenthood.

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Presentation on theme: "UTAH JUVENILE JUSTICE SERVICES Tim Lane, Manger STD Program, Utah Department of Health Penny Davies, Director of Clinical Services, Planned Parenthood."— Presentation transcript:

1 UTAH JUVENILE JUSTICE SERVICES Tim Lane, Manger STD Program, Utah Department of Health Penny Davies, Director of Clinical Services, Planned Parenthood Association of Utah

2 UTAH JUVENILE JUSTICE SERVICES Presentation: UTAH JUVENILE JUSTICE SERVICES Presentation: Justice System Review Screening Process Projects/Data Next Steps

3 Utah Facilities Created in 1981- Division of Youth Corrections – Detention Centers, Receiving Centers, Day- Night Reporting Centers, Multi-use Facilities and Youth Services.

4 Utah Facilities July 1, 2004 -The Division of Youth Corrections becomes the Division of Juvenile Justice Services –Work with youth and families –Divert youth through Youth Services

5 Statewide Facilities 13 Receiving Centers 11 Detention Facilities 6 Secure Facilities 5 Observation and Assessment Locations 4 Community Programs 1 Work Camp

6 State Law Utah State Code - 26-6-19 – Venereal Disease – examination and treatment of persons in prison or jail. – All persons confined in any state, county, or city prison or jail shall be examined, and if infected, treated……..


8 Juvenile Justice System (JJS) Process Description A juvenile enters the system - arrested by police. 1 st Stop - receiving center Released Home Referred to Youth Services – counseling

9 JJS Process Description con’t Held up to 48 hrs- Judge decides –Home release, counseling - delinquent and truancy offenses –Detention Center-pose danger to self or others

10 JJS Process Description con’t HEARING – Judge rules on guilt or innocence Release Community Service Observation and Assessment – 45-60 day program Secure Care – Jurisdiction of Youth Parole Authority

11 SL Youth Detention Center Those entering a receiving center – 25% are there < 24 hrs – 30% are there < 72 hrs – 30% are there < 14 days – 15% are there 30 days or longer

12 Medical Flow Process All youth are screened on paper- immediate needs (injury, suicide, allergy) If kept– medical history (infections, pregnancy) Those with positive responses are seen by nurse within 24 hrs

13 Medical Flow Process con’t Those in centers 7-14 days, ½ have physicals Those in centers > 30 days all have physicals STD TESTING ONLY IF MEDICALLY INDICATED

14 Screening Program 1998-Planned Parenthood Association of Utah (PPAU) begins screening females CDC National Infertility Prevention Project $$ Providing education and medical services to females ½ day per week.

15 Partnership: August 2000 Utah Department of Health (UDOH) STD Program expanded the project with the CDC Adolescent Women’s Reproductive Health Monitoring Project (AWRHMP).

16 AWRHMP The AWRHMP targeted adolescent females in high-risk settings. Participants received education, tested for CT, GC and pregnancy.

17 Implementation PPAU provides the medical services utilizing “volunteers ” UDOH Staff Increases service sessions - 2-3 mornings per week, UDOH followed up with positives

18 SUCCESS From August 2000 through August 2003 1,757 adolescent females participated. Females Tested % Positive 1,757 14

19 Since 2003 Planned Parenthood expands testing- 4 Detention centers 1 Observation and Assessment 2 Secure Facilities 1 Work Program * Staff from facilities receive training to do testing and treatment

20 Since 2003 con’t * 2003 –Male CT/GC Testing – DHHS Title X Special Initiative Grant – Male Involvement *2005 - HIV Testing- Title X HIV Integration Grant

21 Performance Measures 2005 Data Performance Measures 2005 Data 2 sites (>500 admits) Females Only Admits # Tested % tested % pos + SL 1237 262 21% 12.6% Weber 476 182 38% 22%

22 YOUTH CORRECTIONS 2004 Male and Female Data Rural Detention Facilities Admits # tested % tested Farmington 680 480 70% Cache 430 95 22%

23 YOUTH CORRECTIONS 2004 Admits # tested % tested SL O & A 160 127 79 % Secure Facilities Decker 36 24 66% Wasatch 42 33 79% Work Program *Genesis 281 69 25% *tested in detention facilities

24 Next Steps * Meet with Juvenile Justice administrators Goal – test more admittees *Look at current data Goal – target $$ to centers with higher positivity rates *Identify grant opportunities = $$$$

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