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Dispute resolution and virtual property: why, what and where… Digital Interactive Symposium: Edinburgh 27 August 2010 Dr Abbe E. L. Brown

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Presentation on theme: "Dispute resolution and virtual property: why, what and where… Digital Interactive Symposium: Edinburgh 27 August 2010 Dr Abbe E. L. Brown"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dispute resolution and virtual property: why, what and where… Digital Interactive Symposium: Edinburgh 27 August 2010 Dr Abbe E. L. Brown

2 Overview If it’s worth anything it’s worth fighting about…. But how? A link to Jas and the plenary…

3 Why? Plus ca change… people aren’t very nice…. More investment, more interest, more willingness to take risks, more willingness to fight domain names but is it about games, content or control: “new gods?” Clashes of values and worlds? eBay/Tiffany Facebook cf Canada Rape in Cyberspace or just more ISP/net neutrality chat??

4 Fighting about a Game? The claim “trade marks” and “copyright” real, virtual, who says “defamation” whose standards breach of contract (or constitution?) EULA, community standards “crime” tax evasion, theft (land, points), fraud (RMT)

5 What else? First Amendment/article 10 ECHR? Competition law: cartels and abuse of a dominant position? Consumer protection

6 Why really? The parties gamer against gamer provider against gamer gamers “against” gamer avatar?? For what money, “mandatory action” remaining in game “reform”

7 You tell me Personal experience?

8 Where? Provider/gamer: courts EULA – California, Iceland Gamer/gamer: courts same old jurisdiction battles in courts Gutnick v Dow, Mecklermedia, Bonnier Media New solutions eBay Square Trade UDRP WIPO and Format Recognition and Protection Association re TV formats wikipedia

9 Where else? In game SL: banishment, policing – Liaison Lawyers, dispute resolution providers in game and RW –Cf SLSC/Metaverse (all a bit old…) –Cf Alemi paper Eve: Caldera Tribunal Council of Stellar Management –POS bug, banned

10 Your experiences? Too much law, not enough action?

11 SO… what has really happened….

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