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Have Fun and Enjoy Learning English 496c0083 吳宛珊 496c0140 胡瓊云.

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Presentation on theme: "Have Fun and Enjoy Learning English 496c0083 吳宛珊 496c0140 胡瓊云."— Presentation transcript:

1 Have Fun and Enjoy Learning English 496c0083 吳宛珊 496c0140 胡瓊云

2 Right Attitude is the Inspiring Navigator to the Beneficial, Outstanding World!

3 Purpose  Use the same Method , but different teacher use different way.  Fun???


5 圖中 黑色 的拼圖到底代表什麼 ????

6 Wrong Way

7 Can you see that????

8 Teacher centered v.s. Child centered

9 Teaching Methods  母語情境教學法 (Situational Language Teaching)  全肢體反應教學法 TPR (Total Physical Response)  聽說教學法 (Audio-Lingual method)  自然發音教學法 (Phonics skill)  溝通式教學法 (Communicative Approach)  遊戲教學法 (Games and Activities )

10 6 WH questions How Why When Who What Where

11 Why? Why do kids need to learn English? Why do kids love to play all the time?

12 How?  How to play games with kids of different ages?  How to make kids learn through playing games?  How to create attractive games ?  How to make the games effectively applied onto teaching?

13 When?  When will be the good time to play games during the teaching process?  When to call stop.. (How long should a game designed for each lesson ?)

14 L S R W Writing Writing Reading Reading Speaking Speaking Listening Listening

15 language skills learning and simple lesson plan language skills learning and simple lesson plan  LSRW  The purpose of making lesson plan  6 basic teaching steps

16 6 basic teaching steps 1st Opening 2nd Vocabulary Teaching 3rd L & S Game 4th Sentence Pattern Teaching 5th L/R & L/W & R/W Game 6th Review

17 Activities or games for learning different language ability a. Games for teaching songs/ chants/rhymes

18 b. R/W game for teaching word spelling


20 c. Games for teaching sentence patterns/grammar

21 d. Games for teaching reading / writing

22 Scoring System Scoring System  Toys (sticky balls. dice hammer )  real objects (fruits )  game board (bingo game)  sentence strips  Picture/ flash cards  CD (songs and listening practice)  Your Imagination

23 Thank you for your listening

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