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Blaise Pascal 1623-1662 French scientist, philosopher, and mathematician.

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2 Blaise Pascal 1623-1662 French scientist, philosopher, and mathematician

3 Pascal’s Childhood  He was born on June 19, 1623.  Pascal was interested in Geometry from the start.  By the age of 12 he had mastered Euclid’s elements.

4 Pascal’s Calculator  In 1642, Pascal developed a mechanical calculator.  He made this to speed up arithmetic for his father.  Numbers are dialed in on metal wheels and the solutions appear in little windows on the top.

5 Pascal’s Triangle  Pascal's triangle is a array of numbers  This triangle has many different number patterns  It determines probability and solves problems involving combinations  Used in many math sections

6 Pascal's Death  August 19,1662  He died at 39 years  Malignant growth in his stomach spread to his brain.

7 Credits : Kris Erin Jaclyn Lucretia

8 Credits Credits Continued,  Lucretia Smith (group leader)  Kris Jensen (Reference page)  Erin Betteridge (Summary page)  Jaclyn Ivonnet (Completed story board page)

9 Bibliography  “Blaise Pascal.” Microsoft Encarta. 1997.  “BlaisePascal.”Members.aolcom/Katha renaE/ private/philo/Pascal/Pascal. HTML.  Dale Seymore Publishing. Visual Patterns in Pascal’s triangle. 1995.  Dale Seymore Publishing. Portraits for class room bulletin boards. 1995.

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