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Service Learning Dr. Sukola November 4, 2014. What is Service Learning? DOE SOP #400-002  Service Learning (SL) is defined as a teaching and learning.

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1 Service Learning Dr. Sukola November 4, 2014

2 What is Service Learning? DOE SOP #400-002  Service Learning (SL) is defined as a teaching and learning approach that integrates service to the community with academic study to enrich learning, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities.  The standards-based curriculum must:  (1) meet the needs of the community,  (2) help foster civic responsibility  (3) used to integrate and enhance the academic curriculum of the students, and  (4) provide structured time for students to reflect on their experience.

3 DOE SOP #400-002 (Con’t)  SL shall only be with governmental entities and non-profit organizations, unless approved by the Superintendent and the Board.  SL shall not be part of a penalty or disciplinary action.  SL through religiously-affiliated organizations is permitted. However, the service shall not be religious in nature.  There shall be no credit for SL involving monetary compensation.  SL hours shall be recorded on student report cards.  SL hours shall be documented on PowerSchool by teachers on a quarterly basis.

4 What types of projects may be considered for Service Learning?  Direct Service : Works performed directly with people or providing a service like tutoring, picking-up litter, painting bus stops, etc.  Indirect Service: Provides support like helping with mailings, collecting clothes or can foods, creating pamphlets.  Advocacy: Writing letters to businesses or local senators supporting or opposing an issue in the community, making signs and participating during a wave.

5 Taking Action in Our Community  What are our needs in our community?  Make a list  Identify what you know  Select one community need  What is the cause?  Who is helping?  What are some ways we can help?  Recipients of Service Learning are able to have unmet needs addressed through the valuable service that the student volunteers provide.

6 PARC Model  PREPARATION  Teacher reviews curriculum and identifies ways to integrate SL  Teacher works with students to assess community issues, focusing on problems, and possible solutions.  Teacher and students explore service options and select a project.  Teacher and students finalize plans to begin Service Learning.

7 PARC Model (Con’t)  ACTION  Teacher and students take steps to implement SL  Teacher facilitates students’ participation, using on-going evaluation, and makes necessary changes.  Students perform the service with supervision, but not necessarily by the teacher.

8 PARC Model (Con’t)  REFLECTION  Teacher provides opportunities for individual and group reflection activities throughout the process.  Teacher and students incorporate student reflection in the classes' evaluation of the success of the completed project, essays, portfolios, and displays.  Teacher integrates students’ reflections in planning for future projects.  Examples: Journals, reflection/essay papers, a letter, article for newspaper, poem, statistics report, research report on the larger issue, time lines, displays, collages, PPT, video, song, skit, dance, etc.

9 PARC Model (Con’t)  CELEBRATION  Teacher and students decide how to celebrate the group’s accomplishments  Recognize those involved  Everyone celebrates  Recognize students in a school bulletin, local newspaper, certificates of recognition for participation, invite the service recipient for students’ presentations, create a bulletin board to showcase the activity, have students share their experiences with others.

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