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You do know about the Learning Commons, don’t you, Steve?

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2 You do know about the Learning Commons, don’t you, Steve?

3 “After growing wildly for years, the field of computing appears to be approaching its infancy.” - John Pierce

4 40 public computers CD-ROM database and OPAC stations only No productivity software (Microsoft, Adobe, etc.) 1 teaching lab No Internet

5 The Information Commons offers more than a general computing lab and more than a reference desk. It is a synergy between: computersupport information production “... the user support skills of computer staff, the information skills of reference staff, and production skills of media staff.” - Donald Beagle

6 Processing and interpretation Information identification and retrieval Packaging and presentation

7 Electronic Information Center Lab #1 EntranceNS EW Lab #2 Courtyard Morgan Library First Floor Wireless network laptop checkout Presentation Rooms 300+ computers 2 Group Presentation Rooms 3 Teaching labs Wireless network laptop checkout

8 Over 200 laptop computers Full Internet access from anywhere in the library Microsoft Office: Word - PowerPoint - Excel Network printing: black-and-white or color Any personal laptop computer can use the network Over 33,000 checkouts in 2005

9 300+ computers Electronic Information Center Lab #1 EntranceNS EW Lab #2 Assistive Technology Courtyard Morgan Library First Floor 2 Group Presentation Rooms Assistive Technology Services Instructional Video Access Ctr IVAC Writing Center Writing Center Presentation Rooms 3 Teaching labs Wireless network laptop checkout

10 Morgan Library AT rooms

11 Morgan Library staff AT support team Morgan Library and the Assistive Technology Resource Center (ATRC) Hardware maintenance and software installation Assistive technology in-depth user training Morgan Library-based server with server-side AT applications offer users seamless access to their software profiles from all five AT room pc workstations Goal to expand server-based AT service campus-wide through coordinated efforts of Library Technology Services and ATRC technical support staff

12 Collaborative learning spaces to support hybrid curriculum and academic socializing Spacious arrangement of computer workstations Relaxed Internet café décor and ambience

13 “Current planning for space renovation within Morgan Library should continue to emphasize space that addresses student needs and supports collaborative learning.” COLORADO STATE UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES EVALUATION AND SUGGESTIONS FOR EFFECTIVE AND SUSTAINABLE ASSESSMENT DRAFT 11 JUNE 2006 A Report by Jim Self and Steve Hiller Visiting Program Officers, Association of Research Libraries


15 University of Nevada, Las Vegas



18 SUNY, Binghamton

19 University of North Carolina, Charlotte

20 University of Massachusetts, Amherst

21 University of Southern California

22 Memorial University of Newfoundland

23 Emory University University of Chicago Cybercafé

24 Colorado State University

25 Combines library resources, computer, and student learning in one space to support academic endeavors Represents a continuing evolution that moves beyond the “Information Commons” concept Supports collaborative efforts between the library and campus student, staff, and faculty

26 “A learning commons... would bring people together.. around shared learning tasks, sometimes formalized in class assignments. The core activity of a learning commons would... be built around the social dimensions of learning and knowledge and would be... for learning purposes that vary greatly and change frequently.” - Scott Bennett

27 Within the library (physical) Beyond the library (virtual) Computer lab Productivity Software Focus broadens from print to information technology resources Information Commons broadens services and support Media authoring tools Staff support Continuum of service carries user from resource retrieval to data processing to format conversion to end state packaging, presentation, publication Learning Commons influence remains primarily associative Coordination with other campus units such as a center for teaching and learning Meaningful linkage to library digital resources and virtual reference within the campus-wide course management system (WebCT) Learning Commons is now collaborative; supports new learning paradigms: D-Space and “classroom flip” Service delivery profile becomes enhanced to include faculty needs Teaching faculty collaborates with library staff on course authorship, knowledge creation, scholarly communication Adjustment Isolated Change Far Reaching Change Transformational Change American Council on Education matrix adapted by Donald Beagle

28 On-going funding Service standards Staff training Technology maintenance and upgrades Public access Computer literacy training Policies

29 Collaborative space and support Reference assistance and staffing Technical assistance and staffing Physical location Learning skills and academic services support Variations

30 In a collaborative environment, how will resource sharing across campus be managed? Will academic collaborations foster merging/blending or will takeovers/acquisitions be more characteristic? In an increasingly virtual environment will the focus be on people or technology? Will the Learning Commons remain as a physical facility or will it morph entirely into a virtual environment? Can it be both?

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