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Biology I G. Anderson Harlan Independent High School.

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1 Biology I G. Anderson Harlan Independent High School

2  Describe how ions form  Compare ionic, covalent and hydrogen bonding  Define and explain the unique properties of water that are essential to living organisms  Explain why many compounds dissolve in water  Compare acids and bases

3  Chemistry is the foundation of Biology.

4 Subatomic Particle LocationChargeMass Proton Neutron Electron The identify of the element is determined by the number of __________ in the _________. Protons + Neutrons tells the ________ of the element. ___________ are involved in bonding.

5  How many protons does an atom of Iron (Fe) have?  Which element always has 19 protons?  What is the atomic mass of Zinc (Zn)?  Which atom has an atomic mass of 51.996 AMU?  How many electrons would a neutral atom of Calcium (Ca) have?  Which neutral element would have 29 electrons?

6  Electrons can be ________ to or _______ from an atom.  Equal numbers of electrons and protons creates a _________ atom.  Unequal numbers of electrons and protons create an __________.  An extra electron or electrons creates an ion with a ___________ charge.  Removing an electron or electrons creates an ion with a ___________ charge.

7  Electrons are found in energy levels.  The outer-most energy level of electrons is called the valence electrons.  The valence electrons determine how electrons will interact.




11  Ionic  Covalent  Hydrogen

12  Why are we studying water?

13  H 2 0 molecules form hydrogen bonds with each other

14  Cohesion ◦ Hydrogen bonding between H 2 0 molecules creates ________________  Adhesion ◦ Hydrogen bonding between H 2 0 and other substances  Meniscus  Capillary Action  Water climbs up a paper towel

15  Water’s polarity makes it a good solvent ◦ Water has a positive side and a negative side, so it can interact with ions  ________ dissolve ________ creating _________. Solutions Solvents Solutes

16  Hydrophilic ◦ Hydro = ________________ ◦ Philic = _______________  Polar or Non-Polar?  Examples:

17  Hydrophobic ◦ Hydro = ________________ ◦ Phobic = _______________  Polar or Non-Polar?  Examples:

18  Most substance are more dense in the _________ form than the _________ form  Hydrogen bonds form a __________ structure  Surface ice __________ water allowing aquatic life to survive in winter  What if ice sank?

19  H 2 0 resists changes in _______________ ◦ It takes a lot of energy to heat it us ◦ A lot of energy must be lost to cool it down  How does this impact life on Earth?

20  H 2 0 can split into H + and OH - H 2 0  H + + OH - ◦ If [H + ] = [OH - ], water is __________ ◦ If [H + ] > [OH - ], water is __________ ◦ If [H + ] < [OH - ], water is __________

21 pH scale is logarithmic Each 1 unit change in pH value is equivalent to a tenfold change in [H + ]

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