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Welcome to Science 71 September 7, 2010 Day 6 Clickers and Folders.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Science 71 September 7, 2010 Day 6 Clickers and Folders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Science 71 September 7, 2010 Day 6 Clickers and Folders

2 Homework No Homework for Tonight However, if you can do any of the math from today’s collected data, go for it!

3 The Day’s Agenda Finish the Water Property Lab, Solve the Crime! Discussion on quiz on Lab Turn in Lab into Trays Movie-Flow First Chapter Human Density Experiment Lab report

4 Bell Work 1 What property of water causes an attraction between two different substances? (Hint- causes a Meniscus) A.Cohesion B.Adhesion C.Capillary Action

5 Bell Work 2 What do you call the movement of a fluid against gravity? A.Cohesion B.Adhesion C.Capillary Action

6 Bell Work 3 What property of water allows it to be attracted to itself and help it build up against gravity? A.Cohesion B.Adhesion C.Capillary Action

7 Water on Penny Lab Finish the Crime scene lab! Answer questions on lab and place in tray when completed.

8 Vocabulary Mass- The amount of stuff in an object Volume- The space occupied by an object Density- The amount of stuff per unit of volume

9 Flow Movie

10 Human Density Lab


12 You Tube Sites Jesus Lizard Xk Jesus Lizard Xk

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