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Pronouns vs. Adjectives Battleground: NOUNS Authoring Systems Instructional Designs Spring 2012 Karen Shaw.

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Presentation on theme: "Pronouns vs. Adjectives Battleground: NOUNS Authoring Systems Instructional Designs Spring 2012 Karen Shaw."— Presentation transcript:


2 Pronouns vs. Adjectives Battleground: NOUNS Authoring Systems Instructional Designs Spring 2012 Karen Shaw

3 Pronouns vs. Adjectives Battleground: NOUNS Enter Battle

4 Pronouns vs. Adjectives PRONOUN: The place taker of the noun ADJECTIVE: The describer of the noun Go Forth in battle!

5 Choose your side!! PronounsPronouns AdjectivesAdjectives Back

6 What is a pronoun?  A pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun. A noun is a: person, a place, or a thing.  Pronoun video Pronoun video Back Pick the Pronoun

7 Pronoun Examples The girl went to the store. Bobby went to the library with him. Jenna will come to the movies with us. Her favorite food is pizza. The highlighted words are pronouns.

8 Pick the Pronoun!!! Choose the correct pronoun for the highlighted noun- 1.Samantha loved the cat Samantha got from Aunt Patti last night. it it her shehershe 2. Nathan got a monster truck and the monster truck was orange and green. hehe it himithim 3. Wendy and Mark went to the movies and Wendy and Mark saw the movie Spooky House. theythey we ourweour 4. Megan and I really like that restaurant and Megan and I hope to go again soon. shewethey 5. I love the rides at Knoebel’s and I love Knoebel’s food too. theourtheir Back Pronoun Match-up!

9 What is an adjective? An adjective is a word that is used to describe a noun. A noun is a person, a place, or a thing.  Adjective Video Adjective Video Awesome Adjectives Back Adjective Examples

10 INCORRECT Try Again! Back to Pick the Pronoun Back to Awesome Adjectives Back to Pronoun Match- up

11 CORRECT Awesome Job! Back to Pick the Pronoun Back to Pronoun Match-up Home Choose a winner

12 Adjective Examples The dog had a wet nose with floppy ears. The tall, yellow sunflower was in our big backyard. We ate the delicious cookies and drank the cold milk. She loves her pink bike with shiny handlebars. The highlighted words are examples of adjectives. Play Awesome Adjectives BACK

13 Awesome Adjectives!! How many awesome describing adjectives are there in this paragraph? Read the passage and decide how many adjectives there are-click on an answer at the bottom to see if you are right. Maggie and Molly went outside to play on a beautiful, sunny Saturday. Molly asked Maggie to play on the purple swings. The girls played on the swings for a while and then went down the twisty slide until they were dizzy. They decided to try the shiny, metal monkey bars next. Maggie went first and fell down. She scraped her knee on a sharp rock on the hard ground and red blood ran down her knee. The girls walked inside and her mom got her favorite yellow washcloth and cleaned her bloody knee. After that she put a bright, polka-dotted Band-Aid on her knee and the girls went back outside to play. 91416

14 Pronoun Match-Up! Choose the correct pronoun for each noun or group of nouns. Joe and Emma’sshe hetheyshehethey Ben and Iwe our theyweourthey Santahim she ourhimsheour Roller skatesthey our ittheyourit Maryher him sheherhimshe

15 INCORRECT Try Again Back to Pronoun Match-up Back to Awesome Adjectives


17 Let’s Review!! Noun: Is a person, a place, or a thing Pronoun: Takes the place of a noun- Examples: she, he, him, I, it, they, we, her, our Adjectives: Words that describe nouns- Examples: green, beautiful, huge, floppy, cold Pick the Winner!

18 Who’s the Winner? In the battle for the ultimate defender of NOUNS-who has one the battle? Decide Now! PRONOUNSADJECTIVES

19 WINNER!!! CORRECT!! Awesome Job!! The truth is: Both adjectives and pronouns are super important to nouns and they are both winners! Continue

20 Resources/References Continue

21 Karen Shaw  Second Grade teacher at Lackawanna Trail Elementary  Teaching for 9 years  Has 3 kids-7, 5 and 4  Enjoys all kinds of crafts and scrapbooking  Is technologically challenged

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