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Topic of ICT Activity: Weather/ 4 th grade Group number: 2 Members of group: Shuli Barkochva, Raizy Weiner & Sori Goldberg B”h English Room o Aims of activity:

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Presentation on theme: "Topic of ICT Activity: Weather/ 4 th grade Group number: 2 Members of group: Shuli Barkochva, Raizy Weiner & Sori Goldberg B”h English Room o Aims of activity:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Topic of ICT Activity: Weather/ 4 th grade Group number: 2 Members of group: Shuli Barkochva, Raizy Weiner & Sori Goldberg B”h English Room o Aims of activity: The pupils will know the weather vocabulary (-adjectives). They will hear & read them (repeating words from the presentation). The pupils will know the question structure “What’s the weather like today?” and the answer structure “it’s _______”. o Instruction model: frontal with one computer o ICT Tools involved: internet, YouTube, Word

2  Outline of the lesson/activity:  introduction of the new vocabulary: screen the ‘flash cards’ of the new vocabulary, on the screen/white board. Have class repeat the words and show matching pictures. After presenting the new vocabulary, play a matching game on the board using the ‘flash cards’ & pictures.  Activity 1: Each student gets a card with a picture describing the weather. The teacher says one adjective out loud. The students who have the matching picture, raise the card.  Activity 2: paste on a big home-made dice the different adjectives you taught. Divide the class into two groups. One student comes up to the front of the class and throws the dice. He/she has to read the word out loud correctly and say the meaning. (a competition)  Activity 3: show the ppt presentation (on youtube- see link attached), using all the vocabulary taught. The students will learn the sentences structures: ‘What’s the weather like today?’ & ‘It’s rainy’. (for ex.). The students will repeat and read aloud the words and sentences. The animated pictures demonstrate the meanings of the words.

3 o 21 st century literacy skills: media and information literacy o Added value of integrating ICT in the lesson: motivation, differentiation, effective presentation, access to varied information, demonstration o Pupil activity after the lesson: independent reading and expansion of knowledge, presentation The students will get a printout of the sentences (as in the ppt) for reading practice. The students will hand in a project – 1. A presentation based on the adjectives we practiced. - or - 2. A booklet with illustrations added (typed in a Word file). They will have about a week to hand it in. o Link to the activity:

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