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Chapter 8 in a nutshell Where are states?

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1 Chapter 8 in a nutshell Where are states?
Problems of definition? Development of the state concept Geopolitical theories Why do boundaries cause problems? Shapes – This is mostly rubbish. Types Boundaries inside of states - gerrymandering Political Fragmentation Cooperation between states Political, Economic, Military Terrorism

2 State as an organism Friedrich Ratzel – influenced by social Darwinism
States grow by population expansion States grow by absorbing smaller units The frontier reflects strength and growth, it is not permanent This has endured: Geopolitics stems from the interaction of power and territory.

3 State as an idea Political idea, political movement, political area
Israel: Balfour Declaration of 1917 1920: Jews, Arabs 1947: Jews, 1.1 million Arabs Britain announced intent to withdraw Independence in 1948 by U.N.

4 Lenin’s geopolitics Why hasn’t the revolution predicted by Marx occurred? Lenin’s answer: imperialism Colonies are outlets for capital investment They provide sources of raw materials and captive markets for goods Profits from imperialism allow workers allow higher wages in homelands Imperialism leads to a spatial transfer of class struggle From within state to international North-South Divide

5 Israel Growth

6 Heartland Theory Halford Mackinder
East Europe -> Heartland -> World-Island -> World Decreasing importance of UK Fear of Germany-USSR alliance

7 East/West Divide Communist vs Non-Communist Domino Theory
Korea, Vietnam Sea containment of USSR Control key maritime “chokepoints” Cape of Good Hope, Panama, Suez, Malaccan Strait, Bosporus,…

8 Pakistan British view: Creation of Pakistan
Religion was single-most important identity Partition inevitable Creation of Pakistan Paki – “pure” Acronym of ethnicities/territories Muslim nationalism arose during 1930s Hoped to preserve majority in Pakistan and Bangladesh

9 Pakistan: A created nation
Problems Kashmir and India Shiite v Sunni Minorities Tribes vs Gov’t Poverty War on Terror vs US

10 Nationalism Debates Which comes first, the nation or the state?
Why do some cultures consider themselves to possess a national identity, while others do not? Is nationalism latent, or actively created? Self-determination vs. rights of minorities What does the future look like with transnationalism?

11 Gerrymandering Redrawing legislative boundaries for the purpose of benefiting a particular party

12 Gerrymandering I Florida’s 20th. Has elected Democrat Reps. since at least 1992. Democrat nominees have run unopposed several times

13 Gerrymandering 2 1992 1998 1997 The 12th has historically been Black and Democrat. It is today about 50/50, but still Democrat 2007

14 Gerrymandering Typed of Districts
Stacked: Encompass pockets of support. Packed: Concentrate opposition leaders into “sacrificial” districts Cracked: Fragments opponents to have no majority Historically, cities with small African American populations have been cracked, cities with large populations have been packed and cracked.

15 Political Fragmentation in Cities
Political districts in Boulder County Boulder County, City of Boulder, Boulder Valley School District, Regional Transportation District, University Hill General Improvement District, Boulder Urban Renewal Authority, Boulder Regional Emergency Telephone Service Authority, Denver Metropolitan Scientific and Cultural Facilities District, Central Area General Improvement District, Boulder Valley Conservation District, Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, Baseline Water District, Boulder County/Gunbarrel General Improvement District, Cherryvale Fire Protection District, East Boulder County Water District, Four Mile Fire Protection District, Sunshine Fire Protection District, City of Boulder Forest Glen Transit Pass General Improvement District, Boulder Municipal Property Authority ...

16 Consequences of Political Fragmentation
Special Districts are not subject to municipal legal and financial controls. Want to create more taxes or issue more debt? Then create a special district to do it for you. “Stealth” government Makes it difficult to see “big picture” Often leads to inequality

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