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Glycolysis Chapter 16 – Voet and Voet 2 nd Edition Wed. September 25, 2002 1. The Glycolytic Pathway 2. The Reactions of Glycolysis 3. Fermentation: The.

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Presentation on theme: "Glycolysis Chapter 16 – Voet and Voet 2 nd Edition Wed. September 25, 2002 1. The Glycolytic Pathway 2. The Reactions of Glycolysis 3. Fermentation: The."— Presentation transcript:

1 Glycolysis Chapter 16 – Voet and Voet 2 nd Edition Wed. September 25, 2002 1. The Glycolytic Pathway 2. The Reactions of Glycolysis 3. Fermentation: The Anaerobic Fate of Pyruvate 4. The Glycolytic Flux 5. Metabolism of Hexoses Other Than Glucose

2 Electron micrograph of yeast cells. Fermentation of glucose to ethanol and CO 2 by yeast has been a useful process since before the dawn of recorded history. Winemaking and bread baking both use this process.

3 The Glycolytic Pathway A. Historical Perspective B. Pathway Overview

4 A. Historical Perspective In years 1854 to 1864, Louis Pasteur established that fermentation is caused by microorganisms. 1897 – Eduard Buchner demonstrated that cell-free yeast extracts can carry out this process. In years 1905 to 1910, Arthur Harden and William Young discovered: –Inorganic phosphate is required for fermentation and is incorporated into fructose-1-6-bisphosphate –A cell-free yeast extract has a nondialyzable heat-labile fraction (zymase) and a dialyzable heat-stable fraction (cozymase). Elucidation of complete glycolytic pathway by 1940 (Gustav Embden, Otto Meyerhof, and Jacob Parnas).

5 Inhibitors were used to study metabolic pathways. For example, addition of fluoride ion to fermenting yeast extracts causes a buildup of 2-phosphoglycerate and 3-phosphoglycerate, glycolytic pathway intermediates. This is caused by inhibition of enolase.


7 Glycolysis Glucose is converted to pyruvate while generating two ATPs. 2 molecules of NAD + are converted to 2 molecules of NADH. The oxidizing power of NAD + must be recycled.

8 B. Pathway overview

9 Pathway Overview There are 10 enzyme-catalyzed reactions considered to occur in two stages –Stage I (reactions 1-5): Preparatory stage where glucose is phosphorylated and cleaved to yield 2 molecules of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP). Stage I uses 2 ATPs. –Stage II (reactions 6-10) Payoff stage where 2 GAPs converted to pyruvate and generation of 4 ATPs.

10 Glycolytic Pathway Stage 1 Stage 2

11 2. The Reactions of Glycolysis Stage I (Preparatory Stage) 1. Hexokinase (first ATP utilization) 2.Phosphoglucose Isomerase (PGI) 3.Phosphofructokinase -1 (PFK-1) (second ATP utilization) 4.Aldolase 5.Triose Phosphate Isomerase (TIM)


13 THE PREPARATORY PHASE Step 1 – Hexokinase

14 (A) Hexokinase: First ATP Utilization Reaction 1 of glycolysis is the transfer of a phosphoryl group from ATP to glucose to form glucose 6-phosphate (G6P).

15 Hexokinase and its complex with glucose (purple molecule). In the enzyme-substrate complex the two lobes (grey and green) swing together to engulf the substrate. This excludes H 2 O from the active site which prevents ATP hydrolysis. Glucose

16 Phosphoglucose Isomerase catalyzes the conversion of G6P to F6P, the isomerization of an aldose to a ketose. Step 2 – Phosphoglucose Isomerase (PGI) [Phosphohexose isomerase]

17 The isomerization of an aldose to a ketose

18 (C) Step 3 - Phosphofructokinase-1: PFK-1 phosphorylates fructose-6- phosphate (F6P) in reaction 3 of glycolysis (second ATP utilization). PFK plays a central role in control of glycolysis because it catalyzes one of the pathway’s rate-determining reactions.

19 (C) Step 3 - Phosphofructokinase 1: Second ATP utilization

20 D. Step 4 - Aldolase Aldolase catalyzes cleavage of fructose- 1,6-bisphosphate (FBP) in reaction 4 of glycolysis. This forms two trioses –Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate (GAP) –Dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP).

21 Step 4 - Aldolase. Aldol cleavage of FBP to form two Trioses (GAP and DHAP) Note that the atom numbering system changes. Atoms 1, 2, and 3 of glucose become atoms 3,2, and 1 of DHAP. Atoms 4, 5, and 6 become atoms 1, 2, and 3 of GAP.

22 Mechanism of base-catalyzed aldol cleavage. Enzymatic reaction

23 Aldolase Enzymatic mechanism of Class I aldolase.

24 (E) Step 5 - Triose Phosphate Isomerase (TIM) Only GAP continues along the glycolytic pathway.

25 Fate of the carbon atoms of glucose in the formation of glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate.

26 Ribbon diagram of TIM in compex with its transition state analog 2-phosphoglycolate. The flexible loop (residues 168 -177) (light blue) makes a hydrogen bond with the phosphate group of the substrate. Removal of this loop by mutagenesis does not impair substrate binding but reduces catalytic rate by 10 5 fold.

27 Stage II - payoff phase 6. Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (GAPDH) first "High-energy" intermediate formation. 7. Phosphoglycerate Kinase (PGK): First ATP Generation. 8. Phosphoglycerate Mutase (PGM). 9. Enolase: second "High-energy" intermediate formation. 10. Pyruvate Kinase (PK): Second ATP generation.

28 (F) Step 6 - Glyceraldehyde-3-Phosphate Dehydrogenase (GAPDH): First “High-Energy” Intermediate Formation.

29 Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase reaction

30 Enzymatic Mechanism of GAPDH

31 (G). Step 7 - Phosphoglycerate Kinase (PGK): First ATP Generation.

32 Phosphoglycerate Kinase - Upon substrate binding, the two domains of PGK swing together to permit substrates to react in a water-free environment as occurs with hexokinase. 3PG

33 Mechanism of the PGK reaction.

34 The energetics of the overall GAPDH-PGK reaction pair.

35 (H). Step 8 - Phosphoglycerate Mutase (PGM).

36 Reaction Mechanism of PGM (1) Catalytic amounts of 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerate Are required for enzymatic activity.

37 (2) Incubation of the enzyme with catalytic amounts of 32 P-labeled 2,3-BPG yields a 32 P-labeled enzyme.

38 PGM (step 8) reaction mechanism

39 Glycolysis influences oxygen transport 2,3-BPG binds to deoxyhemoglobin and alters the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin. Erythrocytes synthesize and degrade 2,3-BPG by a detour from the glycolytic pathway.

40 Lower [BPG] in erythrocytes resulting from hexokinase- deficiency results in increased hemoglobin oxygen affinity. [BPG]

41 (I) Step 9 - Enolase: Second “High- Energy” Intermediate Formation. (Dehydration reaction)

42 Reaction mechanism of enolase.

43 (J) Step 10 - Pyruvate Kinase (PK) : Second ATP Generation.

44 Pyruvate Kinase Tautomerization of enolpyruvate to pyruvate.



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