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Identify the people in this picture. What do you think is happening in this picture? Have you seen anything like this else where in our times?  starter.

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Presentation on theme: "Identify the people in this picture. What do you think is happening in this picture? Have you seen anything like this else where in our times?  starter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Identify the people in this picture. What do you think is happening in this picture? Have you seen anything like this else where in our times?  starter activity

2 How powerful were medieval Parliaments? To compare the reigns of Henry III and King John To assess the powers of Parliament in the Middle Ages  Aims

3  Your task Read about Henry III’s mistakes. List his worst 3 in your books Read about Henry III’s mistakes. List his worst 3 in your books  Note any similarities with John’s life & mistakes  Note any similarities with John’s life & mistakes

4 Henry’s msitkaes Failed to win back lands lost by his father Failed to win back lands lost by his father Angered the church with his appointments Angered the church with his appointments Taxed heavily and spent money thoughtlessly Taxed heavily and spent money thoughtlessly Didn’t treat people well, e.g. Londoners Didn’t treat people well, e.g. Londoners

5  Your task Explain the importance of the following dates: 1216, 1258, 1264, 1265 Explain the importance of the following dates: 1216, 1258, 1264, 1265 What is the origin of the word ‘Parliament’ What is the origin of the word ‘Parliament’  How similar were medieval parliaments to our Parliament today?  How similar were medieval parliaments to our Parliament today?

6 1216 – Henry becomes King 1216 – Henry becomes King 1258 – Henry forced to sign the Provsions of Oxford 1258 – Henry forced to sign the Provsions of Oxford 1264 – Battle of Lewes 1264 – Battle of Lewes 1265 – First Parliament / Simon de Montfort killed at Battle of Evesham 1265 – First Parliament / Simon de Montfort killed at Battle of Evesham

7  Your task Make a list of the strengths and weaknesses of medieval Parliaments. Make a list of the strengths and weaknesses of medieval Parliaments. On balance who was more powerful – the king or parliament? On balance who was more powerful – the king or parliament? Strengths of ParliamentWeaknesses

8 Henry III, Queen Eleanor and his advisers are going to hold a press conference. You have different role cards. What questions would you like to ask him?

9  Extension task Henry III might not have been the world’s best king but he was responsible for building a very famous British landmark. Find out what it was and write 5 interesting facts about it. Henry III might not have been the world’s best king but he was responsible for building a very famous British landmark. Find out what it was and write 5 interesting facts about it.

10 Plenary Plenary When did Henry reign? When did Henry reign? Who was his father? Who was his father? List his mistakes? List his mistakes? What were the strengths and weaknesses of parliament at this time? What were the strengths and weaknesses of parliament at this time?  Was he more or a victim/ villain than John?  Was he more or a victim/ villain than John?

11  Homework Prepare for a quiz on ‘Who had the power in the Middle Ages’. Revise these topics: Prepare for a quiz on ‘Who had the power in the Middle Ages’. Revise these topics: Henry II & Becket Henry II & Becket King John & Magna Carta King John & Magna Carta Henry III and Parliament Henry III and Parliament

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