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Project Nexus. 2  Project Nexus is the replacement of the UK Link system in 2012/13  Sites & Meters and Invoicing  Initial Consultation published by.

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Presentation on theme: "Project Nexus. 2  Project Nexus is the replacement of the UK Link system in 2012/13  Sites & Meters and Invoicing  Initial Consultation published by."— Presentation transcript:

1 Project Nexus

2 2  Project Nexus is the replacement of the UK Link system in 2012/13  Sites & Meters and Invoicing  Initial Consultation published by xoserve  Consultation is on  Focus at this stage on services and processes rather than systems  Held industry event on 2 nd July  Over 70 guests attended  Responses to Initial Consultation due on Friday 25 th July

3 3 Responses - What will be most useful?  Information to lay the foundation for service requirements for up to 10 – 15 years ahead:  Long term strategic requirements for xoserve’s services  Views on current operational issues and constraints  Examples from other industries / markets  For any proposal:  The drivers for the change  The benefits and beneficiaries of the change  The risks and dependencies of change  All views welcome

4 4 Consultation Timetable 20082009 JunJulAugSepOctNovDecJanFeb Industry Stage 1Stage 2Stage 3 xoserve Consider Responses Consider Responses Consider Responses Background, purpose and structure Discussion on management of supply point data Discussion on scope and nature of services Summary of Stage 1 responses Proposals for review of selected topics Summary of Stage 2 responses Review of selected topics Discussion on approach post consultation Industry Events Conclusions

5 5 20082009201020112012 Scope Definition and Consultation Requirements Definition Design, Build, Test and Implement (option to phase) Indicative Timeline 2013

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