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Critique of Current Issues in Development Management By Carolyne Dennis.

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1 Critique of Current Issues in Development Management By Carolyne Dennis

2 Group Members Clotilda Ndezi Daudi Ekuam John Gachigi Harun Mutuma Nicolas Nzivo Joshua M’Ikiao Angelo Geri

3 Definition of terms A project is a planned undertaking constituting of a set of interrelated and coordinated activities designed to achieve certain specific objectives within a given budget and period of time. Project Planning is setting goals, developing strategies and outlining tasks and schedules to accomplish the goals of a project. Project management is act of planning, organizing and managing resources to bring about the successful completion of specific project goals and objectives. Sustainability is the capacity of a project to continue to deliver the intended benefits over an extended period of time after the project ends. The goal is to ensure that benefits from the project continue to be realized after the project ends.

4 Major Arguments The author presents 4 arguments Existence of paradigm Dynamics nature of paradigm Previous emphasis on economic benefits of projects Need to focus on non economic benefits

5 Existence of paradigm Set of theories, concepts, methods and techniques which are generally accepted within a discipline or profession Fashions have become up to date and contemporary Managers operate in organizations which have priorities When the dominant idea does not provide solutions

6 Dynamic nature of paradigm The field of project planning and management is very volatile It is flooded with numerous ideas There is uncertainty on how to achieve the objectives Shift in the general debate about economic development

7 Previous emphasis on economic benefits of projects Africa has suffered economic crises People wanted a radical change for economic Poverty to be handled Economic crisis and structural adjustment Had negative impact on development projects Economic crisis influenced policy making Critical problems over resources The project manager and the staff suffered too. Thus: Political, economic and social environment has greater influence on project planning and management.

8 Need to focus on Non Economic Benefits The are 3 major non economic benefits Environmental issues in project management and the need to plan for the project beyond the completion of the project Gender factors in projects and especially growing realization of the gender implication in project planning and management Institutional capacity and their relationship in project management and especially local administrative structures

9 Emergence of Sustainability Sustaining of a given level of natural resources Sustaining of the necessary institutional capacity to ensure this while sustaining the level of benefits Economic environment and government policy provide the enabling or limiting possibilities for projects The long term viability of economic and non directly productive projects depend on non economic factors

10 The Role of Project Planner/Manager Need to understand the implication of the paradigm that they are based up on; be able to examine them. Take on board lessons learnt in the wider development environment and from experience of implementing projects. Must understand various issues: economic, environmental, gender etc

11 Challenges to managers How can the benefits be delivered to the potential beneficiaries or clients How can the benefits of projects be sustained beyond the life of projects How do we apply these new ideas How comes we tend to quickly apply new ideas and leave our own experiences

12 INTERELATIONSHIPS The suggested interrelationship is as follows

13 Project Planning & Management Environ mental Issues SUSTAINABILITY Gender Issues Institution al Capacity POST-PROJECT BENEFITS

14 Critique of the Author The author has a limited perspective of gender as she takes gender to mean women. She has ignored the role of youth and children in development The author appears not well informed on the policy of environmental impact assessment despite the fact that there was a conference on environmental issues in 1978. The author discusses project planning and management from a western perspective without giving it an African flavor as well as acknowledging the African indigenous knowledge

15 CONCLUSIONS Plans are only good intentions unless they immediately degenerate into hard work Peter F. Drucker

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