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From the history of the Olympic Games Done by Karen Kagramanov From 10 A Shool № 30 Pyatigorsk Teacher : Natalya Kasyanova 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "From the history of the Olympic Games Done by Karen Kagramanov From 10 A Shool № 30 Pyatigorsk Teacher : Natalya Kasyanova 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 From the history of the Olympic Games Done by Karen Kagramanov From 10 A Shool № 30 Pyatigorsk Teacher : Natalya Kasyanova 2013

2 "There is nothing nobler than the sun, giving as much light and heat. so and people glorify those competitions, grander than that there is nothing - the Olympic Games. " Pindar ( an ancient greek phylosopher ).

3 Olympic Games - the largest international multi-sport event, held every four years.

4 Olympics appeared in IX. BC. e. At that time, the Greek government pillaged each other in endless wars. Ifit, king of Elis, came to Delphi to ask the oracle how he, the ruler of a small country, to save his people from war and looting. Delphic oracle - his predictions and advice considered absolutely true - Ifit replied: - It is necessary that you founded the Games which are pleasing to the gods!

5 The first Olympic Games were held in 776 BC. Olympic Games of ancient Greece were the religious and sports festival, held in Olympia. Information about the origin of games is lost, but a few myths are kept that describe this event. Poster of the first Olympic Games

6 The winners of the competition were revered as heroes in the war. At the time of the Games sacred truce was declared, at the time it was impossible to fight a war, although it has been repeatedly violated.

7 Olympics essentially lost its meaning with the arrival of the Romans. After Christianity became the official religion, the game came to be regarded as an expression of paganism, and in 394 AD. e. they were banned by Emperor Theodosius I.

8 Olympic idea and the baning of ancient races has not disappeared altogether. For example, in England during the XVII century were, repeatedly held "Olympic" contests and competitions. Later, similar events were organized in France and Greece. However, these were small regional events. The first true forerunners of the modern Olympic Games are the "Olympia", which were held regularly during the 1859-1888 period. The idea of the revival of the Olympic Games in Greece belonged to the poet Panagiotis Sutsosu, bring it to life public figure Evangelis Zappas.

9 Desire to revive the Olympic mindset and culture spread quickly throughout Europe. French Baron Pierre de Coubertin said: "Germany has unearthed the remains of ancient Olympia. Why France can not restore the old grandeur? Baron Pierre de Coubertin

10 At the congress, held on 16-23 June 1894 at the Sorbonne (University of Paris), he presented his thoughts and ideas to the international public. On the last day of the congress, it was decided that the first modern Olympic Games to be held in 1896 in Athens, in the country ancestor Games - Greece. In order to organize the Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was founded. Vikelas Greek Demetrius, who was president before the end of the Olympic Games I in 1896 Became the first president of the Committee. Baron Pierre de Coubertin was Secretary General.

11 The first modern Games were a great success. Despite the fact that the athlets from only 241 (14 countries) took part games, the Games were the largest sporting event ever passed since the time of ancient Greece. Greek officials were so pleased to have put forward a proposal to "eternal" the Games Olympics in their homeland, Greece. But the IOC has introduced rotating between different states, so that every four years the game change venue.

12 Amateur spirit Originally Coubertin wanted to make the Olympic Games amateur contest in which there is no place for professionals involved in sports for the money. It was thought that getting paid for playing sports have an unfair advantage over those who practice the sport as a hobby. Do not allow even the coaches and those who received cash prizes for their participation. In particular, Jim Thorpe in 1913 was stripped of medals - was discovered that he played semi-professional baseball.

13 Principles, rules and regulations of the modern Olympic Games are defined by the Olympic Charter, the foundations of which were approved by the International Sports Congress in Paris in 1894, at the suggestion of the French who took the teacher and public figure of Pierre de Coubertin decided to organize the Games on the model of the ancient and the creation of the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

14 According to the Charter, the Olympic Games "... unite amateur athletes of all countries in a fair and equitable competition. In relation to countries and individuals, no discrimination on racial, religious or political reasons... "

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