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Overview of Romans I. Intro. + Theme1:1-15 II. Condemnation1:18-3:20 III. Justification3:21-4:25 IV. Sanctification5:1-8:39 V. Illustration9:1-11:36 VI.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of Romans I. Intro. + Theme1:1-15 II. Condemnation1:18-3:20 III. Justification3:21-4:25 IV. Sanctification5:1-8:39 V. Illustration9:1-11:36 VI."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of Romans I. Intro. + Theme1:1-15 II. Condemnation1:18-3:20 III. Justification3:21-4:25 IV. Sanctification5:1-8:39 V. Illustration9:1-11:36 VI. Application12:1-15:13 VII. Epilogue15:14-16:27

2 Romans 3:21 God’s wrath is revealed because of sin. God’s righteousness is revealed because of wrath.

3 Romans 3:21 God’s righteousness was clear in the O.T.

4 Romans 3:21 To add any idea of merit to getting God’s righteousness, with ideas like “make a commitment” or “follow”, is to entirely miss the point!

5 Romans 3:21 Only those justified by grace apart from works can have assurance and know they have eternal life!

6 What some “gospels” say…

7 That’s double-talk!

8 Romans 3:21b-23 We have one hope to escape the mess we’ve created… God’s righteousness has to be freely given.

9 Romans 3:21 Righteousness is given to those who believe because there is no other way! Eph. 2:8-9

10 Romans 3:21 Only those who realize they are without hope can have hope.

11 Romans 3:21 There is no such thing as “easy believe-ism”.

12 Romans 3:21 It is never easy to believe in Someone else for something as important as your eternal destiny.

13 Romans 3:21 But, faith certainly is simple. And, there is no other kind.

14 Romans 3:21 Human beings often have a certain dislike for grace. It is difficult to not contribute anything.

15 Romans 3:21 Resting entirely on grace does not cheapen it. Resting entirely on grace exalts it… and the One who made it possible.

16 Romans 3:21 What truly cheapens grace is an attempt to add works. It is not that we don’t do anything. It is that we don’t merit anything.

17 Romans 3:21b-23 There is no difference in any person! All have sinned! All fall short!

18 Romans 3:21b-23 Therefore, all are enslaved!

19 Romans 3:24 We are declared righteous “freely” by grace! Rom. 11:6

20 Romans 3:24 In Paul’s day, “redemption” involved the setting free of slaves or prisoners of war.

21 Romans 3:25 Jesus Himself is our Mercy Seat. That is where man meets God!

22 Romans 3:25 Jesus Himself is our Mercy Seat. That is where man meets God!

23 Romans 3:25 The blood of Christ is the way God can meet man!

24 Romans 3:25 God could rightfully pass over sins committed prior to the cross because He knew the cross was coming.

25 Romans 3:25 At the cross, the righteous judgment of God fell on His Son.

26 Romans 3:25-26 At the cross, both mercy and righteousness were on display!

27 Romans 3:25-26 At the cross, all sins, past, present, and future, were dealt with. John 1:29

28 Romans 3:26 Because of the cross, God is righteous in the way He has acted toward sin AND has the capacity to declare anyone righteous who believes.

29 Romans 3:26 Any attempt to add good works before, during, or after faith is to contradict Paul’s claim.

30 Romans 3:26 Anything that is “necessary” is a condition!

31 Romans 3:26 Grace and works are opposites! Romans 11:6

32 Romans 3:26 Truth is not determined by what we think is true or by what “sounds right to us”. Truth is determined by the Scriptures.

33 Romans 3:26 Popular to say that if a person does not act like a Christian, he is not a Christian.

34 Romans 3:26 Yet, while some may sound that way without careful study, there is not so much as one verse in the Bible that actually teaches that.

35 Romans 3:26 In fact, many say the opposite. 1 Cor. 3:1-3; 5; 2 Peter 1:5-11

36 Romans 3:26 Assurance leads to growth!

37 Romans 3:26 But, if my assurance comes from anything that changes, like lifestyle, so will my assurance!

38 Romans 3:27 If grace and works are opposites, there is no place for human pride. Romans 2:17-20; 3:19-20

39 Romans 3:27 Remember this guy? Luke 18:9-14

40 Romans 3:27 You can’t include works and exclude boasting.

41 Romans 3:28-29 The bottom-line! And, it is a universal bottom-line! Rom. 4:4

42 Romans 3:30-31 As the Jews believed, there is one God! Deut. 6:4

43 Romans 3:30-31 And, that one God will justify anyone by faith!

44 Romans 3:30-31 So, does that mean the Law is invalid? Nope!

45 Romans 3:30-31 The Law does its job when it convicts men.

46 Romans 3:30-31 And, the Law shows that no one gets a passing grade! 2:13; 3:19-20

47 Romans 3:30-31 The starting place for getting free from enslavement is to be righteous.

48 Romans 3:30-31 That righteousness can only come freely, by grace through faith, because of man’s sin and inability to be righteous.

49 Romans 3:30-31 Our Justification starts with grace. Our growth continues with grace. Gal. 3:1-3

50 Romans 3:30-31 Along with righteousness comes a new relationship to God and new possibilities. Eph. 2:1-10

51 Romans 3:30-31 Along with righteousness comes new identity.

52 Romans 3:30-31 That discussion is coming soon.

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