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Scenario 1: The mob in Rome is dissatisfied with the political chaos. You need to subdue the mob will you... - hold games for the people -- bread and.

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Presentation on theme: "Scenario 1: The mob in Rome is dissatisfied with the political chaos. You need to subdue the mob will you... - hold games for the people -- bread and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Scenario 1: The mob in Rome is dissatisfied with the political chaos. You need to subdue the mob will you... - hold games for the people -- bread and circuses - raise taxes on the senate/governors and cut slavery to provide jobs

3 Congratulations. The mob in Rome has cheered your name add five points to your popularity score

4 Unfortunately, you may have had the right idea but the senators of Rome did not see eye to eye with you. In a matter of days you were assassinated.

5 Scenario 2: Inflation, prices in Rome on goods are skyrocketing. People cannot afford to buy bread or manufactured goods. What will you do... -do nothing and let the price go up, which will leave more Romans in need of assistance -set prices on goods to prevent the rise in price and set wages so people cannot earn more.

6 Unfortunately, as the price of food increased the mob in Rome grew. The riot became out of control and Rome was severely destroyed. You were brutally killed during the riot.

7 Although, this made many shopkeepers and workers upset, it did for a short time prevent inflation. However, even though it was not the best solution, it prevented a large scale riot.

8 Scenario 3: The size of the Empire: The Empire is to big for its own good. Problems from rebellions, famines, and invasions are plaguing Rome’s borders. Some have said that the empire is just to large… as emperor you have a hard choice at hand. Do you… -Split the empire into two parts -- with you getting the better Eastern half -Split the empire into two parts – but stay in the Western part in Rome itself - Try to keep one empire and hope that you can solve all of its problems

9 Fantastic decision. Although, the people of Rome (the city that is) are upset that you left, you are much better prepared at ruling a smaller and richer territory. This decision can be debated by many. You lose 2 popularity points but gain 20 wealth points.

10 Mmmmm. The people of Rome (the city that is) are happy that you stayed in the West to rule from Rome itself. However, your co- emperor of the East now rules the wealthier land and has become a rival of yours. This decision can be debated by many. You gain 2 popularity points but lose 20 wealth points.

11 Eww… The empire is just to large to rule. Although, many Romans at first thought you were honorable they are concerned that you cannot handle all of the problems. More invasions and the rising costs of the military have you stretched. You lose 5 popularity points and 5 wealth points

12 The Capital is fading while the city of Constantinople is on the rise. Keep the capital in Rome (but that means you and your family have to stay) Move the capital to Constantinople and increase the prestige and wealth of the emperor

13 The city of Rome applauds you. But, Constantinople is really where the wealth is! Rome is no longer the shining center of the civilized world. Most of the rich Senators have moved out and now live in their private villas with their private armies. You gain 5 popularity points but lose 30 wealth points.

14 The city of Constantinople applauds you. Constantinople is really where the wealth is! Rome is no longer the shining center of the civilized world. Most of the rich Senators have moved out and now live in their private villas with their private armies. You gain 5 popularity points and gain 50 wealth points. However, the people of Rome will never forgive you.

15 Rome is having a hard time finding recruits for the army. An idea was proposed to hire Germanic Warriors to fight our wars. They will work for less and you will not have to pay for the dead. Only use Roman soldiers to fight for the army. Hire Germanic Warriors to help fight Rome’s wars.

16 There just are not enough Romans to fill the ranks. After years of civil wars and repelling Germanic invasions you are finding it harder and harder to find able bodied men. To many Romans have lost their sense of Civic Duty! After losing a major battle to the Huns you were forced to eventually hire the Germanic warriors. Lose 30 wealth

17 The Germanic warriors accept your gold with ease. As of now they seem to fight with you. Some of your generals make sure they use the Germans first in battle to save the sons of Rome. Lose 10 wealth

18 Thousands and thousands of Germanic Goths have entered the Roman Empire. They have been pushed by the Huns into our border lands. They want land and promise to be loyal to Rome. Give them food and land for their loyalty. Lie and promise food and land, but take advantage of the Goths by using them as soldiers and slaves.

19 What a noble emperor you are. This may have worked in the long run. But! Way to many Romans, especially the Senate and army leaders, were angry that you gave this land to non-citizens. Many Romans were angry that Germanic barbarians received what they believed was their land. Under pressure local officials forced you to look the other way as they abused the Goths! Click here to find out what they did… Lose 20 popularity points and 20 wealth points

20 Great… but evil… choice You gain 15 popularity points and 30 wealth points. Click here to find out why!


22 A large group of Goths are angry over the treatment of their people. There is now a huge uprising and they threaten the Royal city of Constantinople. Meet them in open combat, you have a superior force. Let them sack (loot, burn, pillage, and steal) your Roman cities

23 You ride out to the field of Adrianople in 378…

24 Are you kidding… get your butt in that battle…

25 Rome 410 The Goths have now crashed into the empire and threaten the "holy" city of Rome. Unfortunately, you have no options at this point -- Rome is falling By 410 AD -- Alaric the leader of the Goths has destroyed the city and stole a tremendous amount of loot and booty over a three day period.


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