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From the lab to the public-the making of science news Thomas Abraham.

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Presentation on theme: "From the lab to the public-the making of science news Thomas Abraham."— Presentation transcript:

1 From the lab to the public-the making of science news Thomas Abraham

2 Science news News of scientific findings News about science: scientists, science policy, public reaction to science News that appears to be from scientific findings but is not…

3 What is science? A body of knowledge based on the scientific method Aims to understand and explain our world and ourselves


5 Scientists produce findings Publish paper Press releases, press confere nces new s From lab to the public

6 The sources of science news Research published in peer reviewed scientific journals Reports from scientific and other organizations Proceedings of scientific conferences Press conferences Enterprise reporting

7 A hierarchy of scientific reliability Findings that have been published in a peer reviewed journal are seen as the most scientifically reliable Peer review-before publication the scientific journal’s editor will send a manuscript to two or three other scientists for review Findings that have not been peer reviewed are thought to be less reliable

8 The big names in journals Science, Nature- publish findings from all fields of science Specialized- Lancet for medicine, Physical Review Letters for Physics etc. How do we know what is being published- Getting on journal mailing lists

9 Pitfalls in reporting science ( and in all reporting) If someone says something ( even a scientist) it does not mean it is true Where is the evidence? How good is the evidence? ( here be particularly careful of reports from NGOs who have an interest in the issue) You have to critically read and evaluate the evidence. Run the evidence by others who work in the field.

10 Ben Goldacre- the scourge of bad science in the media

11 Some good news…

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