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Strategy Management in Action By: Mary Coulter

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Presentation on theme: "Strategy Management in Action By: Mary Coulter"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategy Management in Action By: Mary Coulter
Sydne Collier Amanda Haines Jacob Johnson Eric Launer Katie Shaw Zach Slagle Mark Weyandt

2 Overview 2.1 Competitive advantage
2.2 Driving forces, implications, critical success factors 2.3 Organizational vision and mission, corporate social responsibility and ethics

3 Red Bull Founded in 1984 by Dietrich Mateschitz.
Currently sold in 164 countries and have established subsidiaries in various sports.

4 Competitive Advantage
Its what sets your organization apart from other companies Managing strategically There are 3 views that managers can use to help with being competitively advanced Industrial Organization View Resource-Based View Guerrilla View

5 I/O View Competitive Advantage Positioning in industry
Determinants of Profitability Characteristics of industry, firm’s position within industry Focus of Analysis External Major Concern Competition Strategic Choices Choosing attractive industry; appropriate position

6 Resource-Based View Competitive Advantage
Possessing unique organizational assets or capabilities Determinants of Profitability Type, amount, and nature of firm’s resources Focus of Analysis Internal Major Concern Resources-capabilities Strategic Choices Developing unique resources and distinctive capabilities

7 Guerrilla View Competitive Advantage Temporary
Determinants of Profitability Ability to change and radically surprise competitors with strategic actions Focus of Analysis External and Internal Major Concern Continual, radical, and chaotic conditions Strategic Choices Rapidly and repeatedly disrupting current situation and surprising competitors

8 Driving Forces Information revolution Technology Globalization
Global markets Global competitors

9 Implications Continual Change Reduced need for physical assets
Vanishing distance and compressed time Vulnerability

10 Critical Success Factors
Strong Customer Focus Continual Learning and Improvement Flexible Organization Structure Creative Human Resource Management Egalitarian Climate Significant Technological Support Ability to embrace change Change agents Creativity and innovation capabilities Being a world-class organization 6 major characteristics

11 Critical Success Factors-Red Bull
Ability to embrace change Introduced Sugar Free and Total Zero Creativity and innovation capabilities Marketing and Advertising- Operating under Resource Based View Being a world-class organization Selling products and Team Sport events in over 160 countries

12 Organizational Vision and Mission
Broad comprehensive picture of what a leader wants an organization to become A statement of what the organization stands for, what it believes in, and why it exists

13 Four Components of an Effective Organizational Vision
The vision be built on a foundation of the organizations core values and beliefs The vision should elaborate a purpose for the organization The vision should include a brief summary of what the organization does The vision should specify broad goals

14 Corporate Social Responsibility
The obligation of organizational decision makers to make decisions and act in ways that recognize interrelatedness of business and society Traditional approach-benefit only stockholders New age approach- benefit everybody involved within the corporation

15 Corporate Social Responsibility-Redbull
Actively supports Wings For Life-Spinal Cord Research Foundation Aim to reduce their carbon footprint

16 Ethics Involves the principals that define right and wrong decisions and behavior Both a personal and an organizational issue and should be part of the strategic management process Avon Products Inc creating its Worldwide fund for Women's Health Both the right thing to do and boosting sales

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