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2 #1 Baking A box of specialty baking flour holds 2 kilograms. How many angel food cakes can be made with a recipe that calls for 100 grams of flour?

3 #2 Pets Celina has a 4-pound bag of dry dog food. Every day, she puts out 4 ounces of dry dog food for her dog. For how many days will the bag of dog food feed her dog?

4 #3 Trucks Daryl’s truck can handle up to 2 tons of weight. He wants to haul 3,500 pounds of wood. How many tons of wood is that? Can he haul all of it at once?

5 #4 Sports The Falcon’s water cooler holds 15 liters of sports drinks. How many milliliters is that if they have 2 water coolers?

6 #5 Gifts Cody made 34 bottles of flavored water to give to his class. How many pints of flavored water did Cody make if each bottle holds 8 fluid ounces?

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