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Aboriginal Literature. Becoming part of history and literature -Fur Traders, Mariners, Minters, Missionaries, Settlers, Colonists, Governors etc. wrote.

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Presentation on theme: "Aboriginal Literature. Becoming part of history and literature -Fur Traders, Mariners, Minters, Missionaries, Settlers, Colonists, Governors etc. wrote."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aboriginal Literature

2 Becoming part of history and literature -Fur Traders, Mariners, Minters, Missionaries, Settlers, Colonists, Governors etc. wrote about Aboriginals in journals, logbooks, newspapers etc.  All wrote from a EUROCENTRIC point of view  They had no/little understanding of who Aboriginals were Result (A century of…) -Cultural Misunderstandings -Enduring Stereotypes -Biases against Aboriginals -Having NO CONTROL over what was written about FNs

3 Cultural Appropriation Appropriate: to take possession of -- usually unlawfully Cultural Appropriation and literature: -stealing sacred stories without permission -stealing ideas, philosophies etc without permission -non Aboriginals writing as if they are Aboriginal Famous Example: WP Kinsella – a Canadian author that wrote fictional stories about Aboriginal characters -he is not aboriginal -his novels created images and stereotypes of FNs

4 Publication Problems -Publication companies owned by Euro-Canadians:  FNs struggled to get their work published  If published they lost control of their work  many chose not to publish Consequences: -not many people read FN books -enduring misunderstandings / stereotypes

5 Theytus Books – Aboriginal Publishing House

6 En’owkin Centre: International School of Writing - Located in Penticton, BC – same location as Theytus Books -The En'owkin is a dynamic institution, which puts into practice the principles of self-determination and the validation of cultural aspirations and identity. An Indigenous cultural, educational, ecological and creative arts organization, the En'owkin Centre is taking a lead role in the development and implementation of Indigenous knowledge and systems, both at the community and international levels. -offer language, fine arts, creative writing and cultural programs -is an accredited post secondary institution List of Courses / Programs List of Courses / Programs

7 Famous Aboriginal Authors PLUS MANY MANY MORE! These authors give authentic aboriginal voice to literature Jeanette Armstrong – Okanagan Lee Maracle Thomas King Eden Robinson Tomson Highway

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