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Welcome to Reception Parents Meeting: 19 th September 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Reception Parents Meeting: 19 th September 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Reception Parents Meeting: 19 th September 2014

2 The Reception team:  Mrs Parvez & Ms CroweRP  Miss Priddy & Ms ArnottRNP  Mrs East & Miss YellopRE  Miss Checketts & Miss Snowden RC

3 Today’s meeting:  Topic  Daily timetable  High frequency words  Phonics  Peek at the week  Medical matters  Reminders

4 What we are learning:

5 A typical day in Reception:  8.50am Children arrive  9.00am-9.25am Literacy  9.25am-10.45am Continuous Provision  11.00am-11.30am Phonics  11.30am-12.30pm Lunch time  12.30pm-1.00pm Mathematics  1.00pm-2.45pm Continuous Provision  3.00pm-3.15pm Story time

6 High frequency words:  A set of up to 5 high frequency words will be introduced every week through shared reading.  The first set of high frequency words will be sent home on a key ring.  When your child has learnt to read these, your child’s teacher or teaching assistant will add the next 5 high frequency words.

7 Phonics:  Phase 1 phonics involves listening carefully to different sounds and being able to blend and segment the sounds in simple words.  Children need to have a really sound knowledge of it before moving on to phase 2 phonics, where we teach the sounds that different letters make.

8 Peek at the week:  Outlines what your child has been learning that week.  Gives a brief outline of what learning is planned for the following week.  Helpful tip to support your child’s learning at home.  Any reminders.

9 Medical matters:  Head lice are common! Please check your child’s hair regularly and treat it as recommended.  Sickness/diarrhoea.  Any medication that needs to be kept in school needs to be taken to the main office.

10 Other matters:  P.E is on Fridays.  Library.  Water bottles.  Please label clothing, lunch boxes, bags and any other items that are kept in school.  Home/school diary.  Image consent forms.  Books.  Free school meals.  Mathletics.

11 Thank you for coming! Any questions?

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