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Newport Community School Primary Academy How does my child learn in Key Stage 0ne? 17 th September 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Newport Community School Primary Academy How does my child learn in Key Stage 0ne? 17 th September 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Newport Community School Primary Academy How does my child learn in Key Stage 0ne? 17 th September 2013

2 Programme for this evening Welcome The build Introducing the Team The Curriculum Year 2 SATs How do I know how my child is doing? Reminders Homework E-safety How you can support your child

3 The Build Completion by the summer term Playtimes and lunchtimes Access to the outdoors Use of the school fields

4 The KS1 Team Year 1 Mrs J Wrigley Mrs S Ashton Miss E Churcher Mrs R Smith

5 Year 2 Mrs M ShorttMiss S Langford

6 The Curriculum Creative Curriculum Broad and varied curriculum which takes into account our location Literacy and Numeracy at the core

7 Phonics Daily synthetic phonics programme. Children are taught in smaller ability groups to focus on individual needs. Letter sounds, bending and segmenting Spelling patterns High frequency words Statutory assessment in phonics at the end of Year 1

8 Reading and the Library Banded books Guided reading Individual reading How to use the library

9 Year 2 SATs Statutory assessment at the end of Year 2 Assessment takes place in May- June Please think very carefully when booking any holiday around this time. Assessment in English, Maths and Science Assessment is carried out by the class teacher.

10 How do I know how my child is doing? Parents meeting (October, March, July) Accessing School Pupil Tracker from home on the Internet. Reports in March Talking to the teacher School open morning 25 th September

11 Homework Year 1 Year 2 Handed outDue in ReadingTuesdayMonday SpellingFridayThursday HomeworkFridayThursday Handed outDue in ReadingWednesdayMonday SpellingTuesday NumeracyFridayTuesday

12 E-safety Monitoring your child’s use of the computer or laptop. Think about position length of time security settings Social Networking Sites CEOP website

13 Reminders PE days Water bottle and snacks Uniform Jewellery Names and Labels

14 Attendance and Punctuality Children must attend school regularly and punctually. Any absence needs to be communicated to the school office. Families can be granted up 10 days holiday during term time.

15 How can you support your child at home? Talk Read Engage Encourage Praise

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