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Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology AFTA-WFIRST Coronagraph Instrument Status Report -- SDT Feng Zhao, Coronagraph Instrument.

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Presentation on theme: "Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology AFTA-WFIRST Coronagraph Instrument Status Report -- SDT Feng Zhao, Coronagraph Instrument."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology AFTA-WFIRST Coronagraph Instrument Status Report -- SDT Feng Zhao, Coronagraph Instrument Manager Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109 7/29/2014 1 Copyright 2014 California Institute of Technology. Government sponsorship acknowledged

2 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Outline Coronagraph design status Technology development progress –Coronagraph masks and testbeds –LOWFS –Low noise detector –DM Next steps Summary 2

3 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Coronagraph Instrument 3 coronagraph instrument Completed Cycle #4 (June 2014) Delivered CAD and FEM to GSFC STOP analysis underway Cycle #4 Design Electronics Radiators Imaging and IFS FPAs Mass (w/ contingency) ~178kg Power (w/ contingency) ~215W First mode25 Hz Temperature20C for instrument Temperature~150k for focal plane arrays Data volume~30 Gbits/day Imaging0.4 – 1.0 microns,4.8" FoV 0.009" pixel scale, 1k×1K EMCCD. 10 -9 contrast after PSF calibration, IWA: 0.1 arcsec, OWA: 2 arcsec. Polarization: Wollaston polarizer creating two images (p,s) Integral field spectrograph 0.6 – 1.0 microns R~70, 1k×1K EMCCD, one polarization Optical bench

4 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Cycle #5 Design Traded two design options. Selected cycle #5 design with: –Wider attachment points –Closer CG –  first mode ~75Hz (vs. 40Hz desired) Continued working on interface with GSFC team (AMS changes) 4 Optical bench with optics on both sides Filter wheel FSM SP mask changer

5 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Instrument Operation Modes Continued working with scientist team on refining operation modes: –Coronagraph masks, Lyot stops, field stops, color filters –Imaging mode and spectrograph mode 5 DM2 to LOWFS DM1 Pupil mask changer Occulting mask changer Lyot mask changer Filter wheel Field stop mask changer FSM Telescope focus PBS FPA to IFS Coronagraph Calibration filter wheel c HL SP Pupil mask changer Field stop mask changer SP HL 1 2 3 Lyot mask changer SP HL 1 2 3 Occulting mask changer c No mask for pupil viewing HL SP 1 2 3 3 - 5 Filter wheel c 5 4 3 2 1 Dark mask 18% BW 10% BW 3 SP HL No mask IC X-pol Y-pol PBS IC/IFS 5% BW Coronagraph calibration filter wheel c 3a 3b 2a 2b 1a 1b Pupil viewing lens No mask Example of coronagraph masks and color filters

6 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology DRM Coronagraph Design – Next Steps Freeze cycle #5 configuration (8/31/2014) –Agree science modes with scientists Deliver cycle #5 STOP to GSFC (10/3/2014) Flight instrument schedule and cost estimate (10/21/2014) MEL/PEL for CATE (12/5/2014) 6

7 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Coronagraph Technology Status – SPC, HLC and LOWFS Ilya Poberezhskiy Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology 7/29/2014 7

8 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Completed Coronagraph Technology Milestone #1 Reflective shaped pupil masks designed at Princeton and manufactured at JPL 8 Imperfection TypeMeasured LevelDelta contrast after WFC Comments Black Si refl., specular<7x10 -8 <2.1x10 -10 Upper bound; limited by measurement setup Black Si refl., diffuse<0.6%<10 -11 Mask WFE ~0.036rms (above focus) 7x10 -11 - Post WF control - Better wafers received Isolated defects Small pinholes and 2 scratches 8x10 -12 Post WF control Al refl. variations~0.5%fully correctablePost WF control Total<3x10 -10 Upper bound Milestone 1 results submitted on 6/16/2014 (due 7/21/2014) Reviewed with TAC on 6/24/2014 TAC concurred completion

9 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Shaped Pupil Testbed Current contrast levels in the testbed shown below –Have met Key Milestone #2 performance threshold (<10 -8 for monochromatic light), expect contrast to improve further –Preparing to move to broadband light (new laser will help) Presently working with one deformable mirror, planning switch to 2 DMs in late August

10 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Hybrid Lyot Coronagraph Mask 10 New HLC designs: –Improved jitter sensitivity (up to 20x more relaxed) –Simpler metal layer, making fabrication easier HLC mask fabrication – two parallel paths: 1. Thin film deposition –Deposition setup functional and producing circular calibration patterns. Currently going through systematic calibrations 2. E-beam lithography –First set of mask runs completed, currently going through calibration refinements HLC testbed and mask on track for starting performance runs on 8/15/2014 Design profileMeasured profile from test runs

11 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Selected LOWFS Architecture DM1/FSM FPA DM2 To LOWFS FPA To LOWFS DM1/FSM DM2 Pupil mask changer Occulting mask changer Lyot mask changer Selected Zernike phase-shifting approach for LOWFS “Zernike dimple” on HLC and SPC focal plane masks  reduced non-common path errors Zernike mask Noise Equivalent Angle (tilt) Noise Equivalent Low Order WFE

12 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology OTA Simulator for WFE Generation ComponentsNoteSM OAP2 Dec-X (um) -0.65 Dec-Y (um) -0.65 1.17 De-Thick (um) 5.6 OTA (SM+PM) De-Focus (um)Baseline1.8 212 Tilt@X (mr) -0.012 Tilt@Y (mr) 0.012 Jitter Mirror Tilt@X (mr) -0.012 Tilt@Y (mr) -0.013 Zernike Coeff(RMS) Z4Focus< 0.11 Z5AST_Y< 0.1 1 Z6AST_X< 0.1 1 Z7Coma_Y< 0.1 1 Z8Coma_X< 0.1 1 Z9Trefoil X < 0.1 Z10Trefoil Y< 0.1 Z11Spherical< 0.1 1 OTA Aberration Generation To be used for: 1.LOWFS/C calibration and testing 2.Validating coronagraph + LOWFS/C performance in presence of realistic tip/tilt and low-order wavefront errors

13 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Fast Steering Mirror (FSM) for Jitter Correction ModesDescription FEM (Hz) Measured (Hz)Error 1,2Tip & Tilt9679066.7% 3Resonant Z10681100-2.9% 4,5X,Y Translations11791204-2.1% 6Anti-Resonant Z136412509.1% FSM Dynamic Modes: FEM Model Evaluated SIM FSM (momentum compensated) Excellent agreement between FEM and measured modes –First mode >900Hz FSM on Dynamometer

14 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Coronagraph Technology Testbeds – Next Steps Commission HLC testbed 8/15/2014 Deliver Technology Milestone #2: SPC static narrow-band contrast performance 9/30/2014 Deliver Technology Milestone #3: PIAACMC mask fabrication and characterization 12/15/2014 –PIAACMC team recently delivered a new design; its performance being evaluated using PROPER (Krist, Traub) 14

15 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Coronagraph Technology Status – IFS, EMCCD and Deformable Mirror Rick Demers Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology 7/29/2014 15

16 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Test-bed IFS (PISCES) 16 Test-bed IFS design peer review was held on 17 July Optics design meets requirements with three 18% spectral bands The only significant design changes from original design are: Lenslet array format (for 3×18% or 4×15% bands) Dispersing prism (for flat dispersion) Relay DescriptionUnitsRequired Value Implementation Spatial (Lenslet) samplingLenslets per 1*λ/D @ 600 nm 3 to 53 at 600 nm Instrument spectral bandpassnm600-1000 Instantaneous spectral bandpass (Δλ bandwidth /λ) %1018 Number of bands33 bands 650, 770, 910 nm centers Spectral resolution (λ/δλ resolution )70 (+10 -5)~70 Outer working anglearcsec950nm: 1.4 600nm: 1.0 1.4×1.4 arc sec Utilized Detector Areapixels1024x10241024×1024 Detector pixel pitchmicron13 Minor delta review required for mechanical layout Long lead procurements will now begin Delivery to JPL in October 2015 is planned HCIT will ensure flexibility to integrate PISCES into either HLC, SPC or OMC dynamic test-bed

17 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology IFS Detector Trade 17 IFS Detector trade study completed and documented CCD, EMCCD-analog, EMCCD-photon counting, sCMOS Compute required time for reaching SNR=5 in the IFS Sort RV candidates based on shortest time Compare cumulative required integration time for detector options – integration time in the 900nm band dominates Deep Depletion for EM/CCD

18 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology IFS Detector Baseline IFS detector: e2v CCD201, deep depletion (GAIA-like) –can be operated in three modes: 1.Conventional CCD (high flight heritage) 2.EMCCD with analog gain (high SNR) 3.EMCCD with photon counting (clock waveform and electronics design are key to low noise operation) Status –Contract with First Light Imaging (FLI), NüVü and e2v –Started JPL in-house flight electronics effort –Future plan: Environmental testing, including radiation degradation evaluation. TRL-6 by mid 2016 e2v CCD201 Electron Multiplying CCD (1K×1K CCD) No.RequirementValueUnitsComments 1Read Noise0.2e/pix/frEffective read noise, incl. EM gain (1) 2Dark Current5x10 -4 e/pix/secEffective dark current, incl. ENF (2) 3CIC10 -3 e/pix/frEffective CIC, incl. ENF 4Area1k x 1kpixelsMinimum Area 6QE at (600, 800, 900) nm(50, 50, 40)%Minimum QE 1.EM gain only available for EMCCD; eff read noise = read noise / EM gain 2.ENF is excess noise factor; ENF 2 = 2 for EMCCD; = 1 for all others. It always comes in as squared (e.g. it doubles dark current for EMCCD)

19 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Deformable Mirror (DM) Completed and documented DM trade (PMN and MEMS) PMN DM baselined for AFTA coronagraph –Xinetics 48×48 actuator PMN (PbMgNb) monolithic module –Polished fused silica phase sheet with 10nm RMS in power down state –Extensive heritage for high contrast demonstration at HCIT –Currently three DMs are on order from Xinetics –Process improvement – pin-grid attachment –Will attain TRL-6 in first quarter 2015 Pyro-shock testing and thermal cycling Packaged 48×48 DM (right) Backside Pin Grid Array (left)

20 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Coronagraph Technology Components -- Next Steps E2V contract to procure custom lot –(CCD201 with deep depletion) 9/31/2014 Receive three DMs (48×48 actuators) 11/15/2014 Procure optics for test-bed IFS 20

21 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Summary We have made significant progress in both coronagraph technology development and DRM design Technology: –Completed Milestone #1 ahead of schedule –Improved mask designs and manufacturability –LOWFS design selected through a detailed trade, implemented on coronagraph focal plane masks to ensure minimum non-common path errors –IFS detector and deformable mirrors selected through detailed trades –Contracts to procure flight traceable H/W for early TRL-6 demonstration  retire key technical risks to reduce program risk DRM design: –Completed cycle #4 –Started cycle #5 to incorporate improvements learned from cycle #4 Structural Mass Complexity (working with scientists to simplify operation modes) 21

22 Jet Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology Acknowledgement Contributions from team members from JPL, GSFC, Princeton, Univ of Arizona, Ames, LLNL, STScI, Caltech 22

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