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E-government services Pilot Project Īpašu uzdevumu ministra elektroniskās pārvaldes lietās sekretariāts Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for.

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Presentation on theme: "E-government services Pilot Project Īpašu uzdevumu ministra elektroniskās pārvaldes lietās sekretariāts Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-government services Pilot Project Īpašu uzdevumu ministra elektroniskās pārvaldes lietās sekretariāts Secretariat of Special Assignments Minister for Electronic Government Affairs Riga, Baltic IT&T 2007

2 2 Secretariat of e-government affairs eGovernment Program targets 2005-2009 Applying ICT in public governance:  Improve public services quality, reduce administrative burden to society  Develop effective and efficient public governance  Develop open and democratic governance, which increases society’s trust and involvement

3 3 Secretariat of e-government affairs Problems of e-services development  Lack of common guidelines and standards  Development of services is time- consuming because of contracts and coordination of exchange formats is required between all involved IS institutions  New interfaces are being developed, but the process is slow (contracts, demand of financial resources and programming)  Lack of single, unified authorization system  Lack of integration tool for processes implementation  Result: only simple services are possible to develop

4 4 Secretariat of e-government affairs eGovernment portfolio 2005-2007  Integration of state IS (IVIS project)  Latvian State portal  Public 25 e-services pilot  Document exchange and task control system for Cabinet of Ministers and State Chancellery  Document management systems for 17 public institutions (ministries and municipalities)  Project management system for IT projects  Portal of Cabinet of Ministers -

5 5 Secretariat of e-government affairs Approaches for e-services development  Public benefits  Standardization  Secured integration infrastructure  Tools for common use

6 6 Secretariat of e-government affairs E-services development steps Input informationProcess stepsResultsGuidelines and standards Common interest & commitment E-service choice & analyses E-services Specification (PPS) Public procurement procedures Design Development E-services integrating testing Legal acts Procedures Existing services descriptions Services electronisation plan Needs of improvements Services survey Problems analyses E-services description Scenario of tests Task: to improve process New e-service Agreements with partners (public institutions) Situation analyses Public services elektronisation plan XML schemes IS services E-services process E-services Specification (PPS) Multisided agreements E-services integrated testing results Public services elektronisation model Typical Agreements E-services development guidelines XML schemes development guidelines IS services development standards E-services development guidelines

7 7 Secretariat of e-government affairs State IS integration 1st step  Development of Integration standards: –Metadata –Identificators (for XML schemes, IS services, E- services); –XML schemes –IS services –E-services  Development of Integration tool (IVIS)  Development of E-services register : –XML schemes catalogue –IS services catalogue –E-services catalogue  Pilot service – “Who has declared his living place in my estate?”

8 8 Secretariat of e-government affairs Integrator’s enhancing of security Examples of Integrator’s modules : –Users authentication support (LP e-signature & e-verification support) –Secure services tickets –Auditing register and systems register –Notification service –Requests service –Process status service

9 9 Secretariat of e-government affairs Secure services tickets

10 10 Secretariat of e-government affairs Auditing register  Stores information about all kinds of system access attempts (successful and unsuccessful)  Audits usage of privileges  Is called by Requests service  Audits all requests and responses

11 11 Secretariat of e-government affairs Common infrastructure  Integration tool and “0” pilot - are developed already  Pilot of 25 services (Citizen Register, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Riga and Ventspils municipalities) – in process  Public services catalogue - started  Alternative authentication – in process  Tools for payment at state portal – in process  Start to look for partners for 2007 - 2013

12 Questions?

13 13 Secretariat of e-government affairs List of services Nr.1. Personas datu pilnās izdrukas saņemšana Iedzīvotāju reģistrā (PMLP) Nr.2. Dokumentu iesniegšana Ielūgumu apstiprināšanai (PMLP) Nr.3. Iedzīvotāju reģistra izziņas pieprasīšana (PMLP) Nr.4. Paziņojuma iesniegšana par personu apliecinoša dokumenta zudumu (PMLP) Nr.5. Atgādinājums par pases derīguma termiņa beigšanos (tiks mainīts) (PMLP) Nr.6. Atgādinājums par uzturēšanās atļaujas derīguma termiņa beigšanos (tiks mainīts) (PMLP) Nr.7. Dokumentu iesniegšana izsaukuma apstiprināšanai PMLP Nr.8. Vēlēšanu iecirkņa noskaidrošana (tiks mainīts) (PMLP) Nr.9. Vēlēšanu iecirkņa maiņa (tiks mainīts) (PMLP) Nr.10 „Pašvaldības domes/padomes lēmuma noraksta pieprasīšana” (RD,VD) Nr.11. Pagasttiesas/bāriņtiesas lēmuma noraksta pieprasīšana (RD,VD) Nr.12-14 Dzimšanas apliecības (miršanas apliecības, laulības apliecības) dublikāta pieprasīšana (RD,VD) Nr.15 „Dzīvesvietas elektroniska deklarēšana” (PMLP) Nr.16 Izziņas par mēneša vidējā uztura apmēru pieprasīšana (VD) Nr.17 Atļaujas pieprasīšana žoga būvniecībai (RD,VD) Nr.18 Koku ciršanas atļaujas pieprasīšana (RD,VD) Nr.19 Atteikšanās no skolas izziņas pieprasīšanas Valsts sociālās apdrošināšanas aģentūrai ģimenes valsts pabalsts saņemšanas gadījumā (RD,VD) Nr.20 „Mani dati pašvaldībā” (RD,VD) Nr.21 Izziņas pieprasīšana par fiziskas personas sodāmību (IeM IC) Nr.22. Personu apliecinoša dokumenta pārbaude (publiski pieejamā datubāzē), vai tas nav iekļauts nederīgo dokumentu reģistrā (IeM IC) Nr.23. Izziņas pieprasīšana par privātpersonai uzliktajiem administratīvajiem sodiem (IeM IC) Nr.24 Iesniegums Valsts policijai (IeM IC, VP) Nr.25. Universāls informatīvais pakalpojums, kas nodrošina pamatinformācijas par publiskās pārvaldes iestāžu pakalpojumiem saņemšanu (ĪUMEPLS)

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