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1 Ad-hoc Group of Experts “EQF and Sport” Linking learning outcomes, professional standards and EQF-descriptors in coach education programs in Flanders.

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1 1 Ad-hoc Group of Experts “EQF and Sport” Linking learning outcomes, professional standards and EQF-descriptors in coach education programs in Flanders 27.09.2012

2 2 Content Flemish act on FQF (2009) Sport qualifications in Flanders Learning outcomes, professional standards and EQF-descriptors Long and demanding process Challenges faced Q & A

3 3 1. Flemish act on FQF (2009) definitions 8 levels (= EQF) distinction between Education and VET NCP (Fl): AKOV – agency for quality assurance in education and training procedure for recognition of qualifications rewritten in 2011 final procedures in 2012 Sport on the priority list of the Flemish government

4 4 2. Sport qualifications in Flanders Flemish Coaches School (°1994) –Governmental agency (Bloso) –Higher education institutes (Physical Education) –Flemish sport federations Think tank for every coach education program, holding representatives of all 3 partners of FCS

5 5 2. Sport qualifications in Flanders Répertoire Opérationnel des Métiers et des Emplois (ROME) competentieonderzoeken competentfiches BKD FQF VKS NCP Vlaanderen 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 country XEQF 4

6 6 3. Learning outcomes, professional standards and EQF-descriptors Scientific approach (Free University of Brussels) –What competences do coaches need? –Delphi method – 12 experts – discussion rounds 2008-2011: 8 sports have been examined and give a model for a general basis Evolution to description in terms of learning outcomes

7 7 3. Learning outcomes, professional standards and EQF-descriptors Flemish act defines competences as follows: the ability to act in social activities, integrating knowledge and skills. Context is related to the level a coach is working on 4 levels: Initiator: works with recreational athletes and beginners Instructeur B: works with competitive athletes on a local level Trainer B: works with competitive athletes on a national level Trainer A: works with competitive athletes on an international level

8 8 3. Learning outcomes, professional standards and EQF-descriptors Tr A Tr B In B Ini Core task Competence Competence Competence Knowledge Skills

9 9 3. Learning outcomes, professional standards and EQF-descriptors Competences Core tasks to com- municate to follow evolutions to give FB to indivi- dualise to act peda- gogically to plan to co- operate To train autonomously XXXXXXX To guide talented and top level athletes XXXXXX To coachXXXX To detect talented athletes XXXX To gather information XXX

10 10 3. Learning outcomes, professional standards and EQF-descriptors Core task 1 (related tot the context) Competencesknowledgeskill Competence 1…… Competence 2…… Example: Core task: To train autonomously high level athletes on an international level Competence: to give feedback knowledge: sport psychological knowledge skill: to name strengths and weaknesses

11 11 3. Learning outcomes, professional standards and EQF-descriptors Governmental body (Bloso) has worked on a general description of competences core tasks for every level competences for every core task knowledge and skills for every competence  professional standards (in cooperation with NCP, Sports federations and higher education institutes) according to the EQF-descriptors: knowledge, skills, context, autonomy and responsibility including competences, labour market relevance,...

12 12 3. Learning outcomes, professional standards and EQF-descriptors  screenings: every coach education program will be tested and verified if and how the content meets the expectations (competences) and adapt if they don’t! Main objectives: solid base for new coach education programs quality enhancement for existing coach education programs recognition of competences and qualifications within or out of the sport sector mobility for qualified coaches

13 13 4. Long and demanding process not done ‘overnight’ requires the gathering of the entire sport sector demands time and assets scientific research (2008-2011) elaboration of documents (2011-2012)

14 14 5. Challenges faced Revolution in our coach education programs High aims for volunteers Specific professions Fitness (fitness manager vs Personal Trainer) Horseback riding (riding academy managers) Ski (teacher or trainer) High level athletes Referees

15 15 5. Challenges faced Professions linking 2 or more sectors ‘Club Med’ animator (sport and tourism) Mountain guide (sport and tourism) Higher education institutes feel threatened Realisation of high aims by the sport sector (know-how) Consequences for funding

16 16 6. Q & A

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