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TimePro End of Day Routine Current Day Has everyone finished work? No Yes Automatic (Leave TimePro running on PC connected to the Clock) You will have.

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Presentation on theme: "TimePro End of Day Routine Current Day Has everyone finished work? No Yes Automatic (Leave TimePro running on PC connected to the Clock) You will have."— Presentation transcript:

1 TimePro End of Day Routine Current Day Has everyone finished work? No Yes Automatic (Leave TimePro running on PC connected to the Clock) You will have to accept assumed data if errors exist Click the ‘End of Day’ Icon on PC connected to the Clock Click ‘No’ to closing TimePro when finished Carry out Normal Clock Download Check for any Attendance Errors Errors Reported? NoYes Attendance Errors still exist, correct as required Finished (Close TimePro if End of Day done Manually) Earlier than the current day (You missed doing an ‘End of Day’) Click the ‘Transfer Data to AutoMate’ button on the Top Toolbar Choose the Date you wish to create data for, Click ‘OK’ If an ‘End of Day’ has already been done for the date chosen, data export will be refused Do you want to provide data for AutoMate for the See over for Explanation of TimePro to AutoMate Integration Correct any Temp Job Numbers in the Exceptions Screen

2 End of Day Routine (AutoMate Integration) TimePro is designed to provide information for the AutoMate system. The information is the Daily Attended and Productive Time for each employee and also the Time taken on jobs. This is done by producing export files at the ‘Day End’. The format and information contained is these files are not user configurable. AutoMate then reads these files when it does its End of Day routine and uses the information as required (TimePro DOES NOT directly control or manipulate data in AutoMate in any way whatsoever) This routine does not replace the importing of Sold Hours from AutoMate The data is produced on a daily basis, how you do this depends on whether you want data for the current day or a previous day when you missed producing data for some reason If you want data for the current date (Today) you have two options: A) Manually: This should only be done when all productive employees have finished work and clocked out. 1.Carry out a normal clock download. 2.Review the attendance clockings as normal and make any corrections as required. 3.If any temporary Job Numbers have been used, go to the exceptions screen and correct them. 4.Click the ‘End of Day’ button on the top toolbar (This must be done from the PC connected to the clock). 5.Click ‘Yes’ to the message box 6.Click ‘No’ when asked if you want to close TimePro when finished. 7.TimePro will do a clock download (do not worry that that there is not any data) and will process the data for AutoMate. If all is OK you will not get any messages. 8.If you get a message that errors were found, it means that you did not correct all the attendance errors. Review the attendance errors and correct as required. 9.Re-run the End of Day by clicking the button on the top toolbar. Errors; If you ignore the attendance errors, data will still be produced for AutoMate but TimePro will have to assume that the employees with errors clocked out at the shift finish time as per their Day Rules and that they finished the last job at that time. To ensure complete accuracy it is better to do the ‘End of Day’ manually as described above and correct all errors and temporary Job Numbers. B) Automatically: TimePro can run the End of day at a preset time (See export setup) this allows you to leave TimePro unattended and still be sure that the data has been produced for AutoMate. TimePro should be left running (only on PC that is connected to the clock), it will automatically close after the routine has completed. Note: The End of Day Routine should be done manually wherever possible. The automatic procedure should only be used where no one is available to run the routine manually after all staff have clocked out. End of Day Errors Employees that had attendance errors that were not corrected, either because the End of Day was done automatically or the errors were ignored are logged in the Export Exceptions screen. Correcting Errors If you are viewing errors that have occurred prior to the current day. It is not possible to re-export the data except under special circumstances. This is because the data will be duplicated in AutoMate. If, for any reason, you believe that AutoMate did not receive data for a particular date, contact the MMI Lynx Help desk for advice. Exporting Data for Dates earlier than the current day If an End of Day has not been run for any reason, you can manually export the data. Click the ‘Export Data to File’ button on the lower toolbar in the Job Manager screen. Select the date required and press OK. You will not be allowed to run the routine if errors exist or the data has already been produced. See over for a flow chart of the above

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