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GRID. Register Fill the form. Your IP (Juanjo) signature is needed and the one from the.

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2 Register Fill the form. Your IP (Juanjo) signature is needed and the one from the IFIC director  Bring it to secretary people, 1. Getting an account in the GOG

3 2. Getting the Digital Authorization Certificate (Certificado Digital de Autentificación) Fill form. IP (Principal researcher: Juanjo) and RA (Javi) signatures are needed

4 In the mean time… Access with your Mozilla browser installed in your PC (evalu xxx)

5 Mean while… Use as you ID your full e-mail name but using only one dot, for instance: Juan.PabloGomezGonzalez Needed to log in GRID (important) Give the generated document to the RA (Javi). In less that two day you will receive an e-mail in order to download your certificate on the browser (PC) you used to complete this form.

6 Install your certificate to acces GRID resources 3.- Install your Personal Certificate in your AFS account Download it from your browser… Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> View Certificates Select your new certificate and click on Backup Save your certificate with a name on your choice (f.i, "MyCertificate") on your preferred directory ~myusername/temp/ $> ssh  SL5 64bits $> mkdir.globe $> cd ~myusername/temp/ $> ~sanchezj/public/ MyCertificate

7 Now you can log in the IFIC VOMS $> voms-proxy-init –voms ific …. Enter GRID pass phrase: (the same you wrote before) $> …. Enter Import Password: (from pkIrisGRID certificate) Enter GRID pass phrase: (IMP to remember) !!! By default maximum time you can remain logged is one day

8 We can store raw data on down the next path (up to 5Tb) /lustre/ In order to copy raw data from SRB… $> Sget –V /path/filename.root $> scp filename.root 1) Download your file with Sget to your local machine 2) Move file to lustre  from our UI machine $> lcg-cp –vo ific file:///path/filename srm:// Not longer necessary!

9 Or you can do it directly from the UI $> /lustre/ -V /in2p3/data/raw/Line12/sea/2009/03/Antares_039767.root 1) Copy the file to the User Interface machine with Sget: 2) Move file to our lustre directory: $> lcg-cp –vo ific file:///path/filename srm:// Command to delete one file stored under lustre: $> lcg-del -l srm://

10 Conecting to the UserInterface 1.- Run Aafit over a data file (example) First, and just after login, we should link some libraries: $> ssh export ARCH='slc5_amd64_gcc41' export ROOT_VER=5.24.00 export ROOTSYS=/lustre/$ROOT_VER/$ARCH/root/ export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ROOTSYS/lib export ANTRS_LIB=/lustre/ daq/slc5_amd64_gcc41/out/Linux/lib/ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ANTRS_LIB}:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH} #export AAFIT=/lustre/ #export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$AAFIT/

11 Running aafit (example) 1.- Run Aafit over a data file (example) And then we can try to run our script in local: python /lustre/ aav0r6.dataroot script to run aafit (needs two arguments) input file (data raw or mc file) output file (cal real format) To be converted to AntDST tree structure, so then we could produce nTuples for our analysis programs

12 Example of submission scripts 1.- Some examples are available on the IFIC GRID twiki Structure: Three elements.jdl (job description language).sh (user program commands).sh (submit jobs)

13 Script Management 1.- Status of the current job/s Sintaxis: glite-wms-job-status jobId1... jobIdN  for a bunch of jobs $> glite-wms-job-status -i jobId1 $> glite-wms-job-status –verbosity 3 -i jobId1 name of the submitted job (as was named in Output is copied to a temporary directory and then to the SRM system Can be only accessed from the jobId directory!

14 Script Management 2.- Status of the job/s progress Sintaxis: glite-wms-job-logging-info jobId1... jobIdN  for a bunch of jobs $> glite-wms-job-logging-info -i jobId1 name of the submitted job (as was named in 3.- Cancel submitted jobs/s $> glite-wms-job-cancel -i jobId1

15 Script Management 3.- Getting the job log output files Sintaxis: glite-wms-job-output jobId1... jobIdN $> glite-wms-job-output -i jobId1 –dir dirname name of the submitted job (as was named in jobId.err jobId.out MORE INFO:

16 Scripts to run Aafit on data files Can be find under my public directory:  ~jpablo/public/grid/aafit  download the files on the list (list_runs.dat) and execute the script list_runs.dat  list with the run numbers to process  creates command scripts and the.jdl files To process data files: In case the required raw data files are not already available under lustre (not yet copied). Sample of ag data runs already stored there (~745Gb).

17 Scripts to run AAfit In case the interesting files are already available under lustre:  download the files on the list (list_runs.dat) and execute the script list_runs.dat  list with the run numbers to process  creates command scripts and the.jdl files You can comment the indicated lines in “” script $> ls /lustre/$year/$month

18 Scripts to run Aafit on mc files Can be find under my public directory:  ~jpablo/public/grid/aafit/mc  download the files on the list (list_runs.dat) and execute the script list_mc_files.dat  list with the mc files to process  creates command scripts and the.jdl files To process mc files (same philosophy): Note: In this case, you must specify the path to the lustre directory with the mc files in the “” script, i.e., you must change the “MyInputPath” there!

19 Useful information lcg-infosites --vo ific ce glite-wms-job-status -verbosity (1,2,3) -i jobId Useful tools and information Every time you log into the User Interface you must connect to proxy if you want to submit jobs: ~jpablo/public/grid/utilis  (execute it every time you log in) Some information and additional commands:

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