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1 INTER-AGENCY AND EXPERT GROUP (IAEG) ON MDGs INDICATORS IN ZAMBIA Paper presented at the 2007 International Conference on MDG Statistics (ICMDGS), Manilia,

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1 1 INTER-AGENCY AND EXPERT GROUP (IAEG) ON MDGs INDICATORS IN ZAMBIA Paper presented at the 2007 International Conference on MDG Statistics (ICMDGS), Manilia, Philippines. 1st – 3nd October, 2007

2 2 Content: Introduction Introduction MDGs Task Force (IAEG) MDGs Task Force (IAEG) Sector Advisory Groups (SAGs) Sector Advisory Groups (SAGs) Monitoring and Evaluation on FNDP Indicators Monitoring and Evaluation on FNDP Indicators Areas of improvement in reporting MDG’s progress Areas of improvement in reporting MDG’s progress Conclusion Conclusion

3 3 1.Introduction Zambia signed the MDG’s declaration in 2000 together with other UN member states. As a follow-up, Zambia has been presenting biannual reports on MDGs indicators monitoring to the UN since 2003. So far, Zambia has disseminated MDG’s progress reports for 2003 and 2005. These reports are found on the UNDP website ( MDGs progress report for 2007 will be disseminated later this year. (October or November, 2007).

4 4 2.MDG’s Task Force (IAEG) The Task Force on MDGs is spearheaded by Ministry of Finance and National planning (as chair). The Task Force on MDGs is spearheaded by Ministry of Finance and National planning (as chair). Membership is drawn from Membership is drawn from (a)All line ministries (b)Quasi Government Institutions (Bank of Zambia, Zambia Revenue Authority, etc). (c)All members of the UN Family. (d)Civil Society Organisations (CSO). (e)Bilateral Institutions such as USAID, JICA, DFID, SIDA, GTZ, etc. (f)Multilateral Institutions (World Bank, IMF).

5 5 National Meetings are held annually where all stakeholders are represented. National Meetings are held annually where all stakeholders are represented. Thematic Groups on MDGs meet regularly whenever need arises to discuss on individual targets. Thematic Groups on MDGs meet regularly whenever need arises to discuss on individual targets. Some members of the MDG’s Task Force were selected to review the 2007 Zambia MDGs Draft Report. Some members of the MDG’s Task Force were selected to review the 2007 Zambia MDGs Draft Report.

6 6 3.Sector Advisory Groups (SAGs) SAGs were formed initially to monitor Community projects and programmes associated with Poverty Reduction. SAGs were formed initially to monitor Community projects and programmes associated with Poverty Reduction. Membership of SAGs Membership of SAGs (a)All line ministries (b)All members of the UN family (c)Civil Society Organisations (CSO) (d)bilateral institutions e.g. USAID, DFID, JICA, CIDA, SIDA, GTZ, etc. (e)Multilateral institutions e.g. World Bank, IMF.

7 7 4.Monitoring and Evaluation of FNDP Indicators Fifth National Development Plan covering the period 2006-2010 was formulated with MDGs in focus. Fifth National Development Plan covering the period 2006-2010 was formulated with MDGs in focus. SAG’s Terms of Reference is to monitor the performance of Annual Budgets as they relate to FNDP. SAG’s Terms of Reference is to monitor the performance of Annual Budgets as they relate to FNDP. MoFNP is coordinating the progress made by all sectors in FNDP. MoFNP is coordinating the progress made by all sectors in FNDP. Steering Committee on monitoring and evaluation coordinated by MoFNP is charged with the responsibility of monitoring all indicators in FNDP. Steering Committee on monitoring and evaluation coordinated by MoFNP is charged with the responsibility of monitoring all indicators in FNDP.

8 8 Membership of Steering committee on FNDP monitoring of indicators is drawn from all line ministries, quasi Government institutions, UN institutions, multilateral institutions, bilateral institutions and civil society organisations. Membership of Steering committee on FNDP monitoring of indicators is drawn from all line ministries, quasi Government institutions, UN institutions, multilateral institutions, bilateral institutions and civil society organisations. Mid-term and Annual reviews are held under the umbrella of MoFNP regarding FNDP monitoring. Mid-term and Annual reviews are held under the umbrella of MoFNP regarding FNDP monitoring.

9 9 5.Areas of improvement in reporting MDG’s progress Reporting of MDGs indicators is usually done through Biannual reports. Reporting of MDGs indicators is usually done through Biannual reports. UNDP area office in Zambia is doing commendable job by ensuring that Government produces the MDGs progress report. UNDP area office in Zambia is doing commendable job by ensuring that Government produces the MDGs progress report. However, there is need to improve on the frequency of reporting to international statistical system. However, there is need to improve on the frequency of reporting to international statistical system. The Central Statistical Office in Zambia needs to undertake more specialized studies to fill the data gaps on MDGs indicators. The Central Statistical Office in Zambia needs to undertake more specialized studies to fill the data gaps on MDGs indicators. Most of the times some of the MDGs indicators are not being monitoring due to lack of or outdated data. Most of the times some of the MDGs indicators are not being monitoring due to lack of or outdated data.

10 10 6. Conclusion MDGs indicators have been incorporated in the FNDP indicators. MDGs indicators have been incorporated in the FNDP indicators. Steering Committee on FNDP monitoring and evaluation was formed with the task of ensuring that all members participate in monitoring the FNDP indicators. Steering Committee on FNDP monitoring and evaluation was formed with the task of ensuring that all members participate in monitoring the FNDP indicators. The Task Force on MDGs meets annually. The Task Force on MDGs meets annually. Thematic groups on MDGs meet regularly whenever need arises to look at the individual targets. Thematic groups on MDGs meet regularly whenever need arises to look at the individual targets.

11 11 End of Presentation Thank You!

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