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Jamie Lyle (Cpsc 620) December 6, 2007. Overview  Logic Bombs  The story of Roger Duronio and UBS PaineWebber  Defenses against logic bombs.

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Presentation on theme: "Jamie Lyle (Cpsc 620) December 6, 2007. Overview  Logic Bombs  The story of Roger Duronio and UBS PaineWebber  Defenses against logic bombs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jamie Lyle (Cpsc 620) December 6, 2007

2 Overview  Logic Bombs  The story of Roger Duronio and UBS PaineWebber  Defenses against logic bombs

3 Definition  Malicious program designed to violate security policy when some outside criteria is met

4 Example external critera  Certain amount of time passes without an event happening  Check of a database reveals a certain state  Just a certain time  Lack of deactivation  Any combination you can think of

5 Roger Duronio- the story  Systems administrator at UBS PaineWebber in New Jersey  Dissatisfied with wages and bonuses  Resigned Feb. 22, 2002

6 UBS PaineWebber – the story  March 4, 2002  Servers went down  Backups were unavailable  Files were lost  Over 400 branch offices around the nation were affected

7 The Bomb - the story  Logic bomb had been installed on 2/3 of the company’s 1,500 machines  Purpose: to delete all the files in the host server in the central data centre and then every server in every branch  Estimated $3.1 million in damage from the attack

8 Back to Roger – the story  Duronio’s user account used to develop and install the crippling logic bomb  Direct link between Duronio’s home computer and the creation of the bomb  Follow the money

9 Still Roger – the story  Went to his broker’s office, fuming to get even  Purchased $23,000 worth of stock options in UBS PaineWebber  Stood to gain a lot of money if the stock dropped

10 UBS PaineWebber – the story  Managed to keep news of the successful attack from spreading  Stock prices didn’t drop

11 Conclusion of the story  July 2006  Duronio denies all charges  Accuses UBS PaineWebber and its investigators of destroying evidence  Jury found Duronio guilty of one count of securities fraud and one count of computer fraud

12 Conclusion of the story  Sentenced to 97 months in prison  $3.1 million in restitution to UBS PaineWebber

13 Defenses  Hire the right people and treat them right  Technologies also available  Monitoring programs  Network surveillance programs  Properly enforced policies and procedures on software development  Proper backups for recovery

14 Wrap up  It’s hard to stop a determined individual who has access to the system.  Any Questions?

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