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Science: The Natural Selection for Common Core State Standards Debbie Gray, MPH, CHES Science, Opportunities for Learning.

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Presentation on theme: "Science: The Natural Selection for Common Core State Standards Debbie Gray, MPH, CHES Science, Opportunities for Learning."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science: The Natural Selection for Common Core State Standards Debbie Gray, MPH, CHES Science, Opportunities for Learning

2 Before We Begin…Quickwrite Introductions List 3 things you know about the NGSS Questions you have about the NGSS Concerns about NGSS and CCSS

3 A Framework for K-12 Science Education Practices, Crosscutting Concepts, and Core Ideas A New Vision for Teaching and Learning  Science for ALL Students  Coherent Learning Performance Expectations Three Dimensions  Scientific and Engineering Practices  Crosscutting Concepts  Disciplinary Core Ideas

4 Performance Expectations Foundation Boxes SEP DCI CCC Connection Boxes Other DCIs CCSS

5 Key Conceptual Shifts in NGSS K-12 science education should reflect the interconnected nature of science as it is practiced and experienced in the real world. The NGSS are student performance expectations – NOT curriculum.... We are not assessing rote memorization The science concepts build coherently from K-12. The NGSS focus on deeper understanding of content as well as application of content. Science and engineering are integrated in the NGSS from K–12. The NGSS are designed to prepare students for college, career, and citizenship The NGSS and Common Core State Standards (Mathematics and English Language Arts) are aligned. 5

6 The Challenge of NGSS Why NGSS?



9 NGSS & CCSS....  Fun !  Transforming my classroom  Transforming my students  Exhausting  My students  Charter high school  ELL, credit deficient, “at-risk”  14 – 19  Flex schedule = attendance challenges

10 Stepping Stones  Literacy  Key issue – minimalistic attitude  Counter intuitive to the accuracy, evidence and precision necessary in science  Qualitative Data

11 News Flash Students do not use their text books Evidence to support this...  Bacteria samples throughout the school, texts revealed the lowest growth  Studies show this Demystyfying the text

12 Science Literacy... Starts with Reading

13  Unit Articles... “current event”  Progression New York Times, or CNN CDC Scientific American The National High School Journal of Science

14 LABS....  It’s Science  Its about experiencing and questioning  Talking... Collaborating... Exploring  Formats have moved from answering questions to designing the investigation  Literacy & Math... Writing, Analyzing, Interpreting, Communicating Graphs, Data to support conclusions

15 Research & Presentations  Debate  Key to engagement... Something relevant Genetic Engineering Global Warming

16 Research & Presentations  Power point  Body Systems

17 Analyzing Data Explain what is happening to this population over a given amount of time.

18 Analyzing Data Approximately 4 years ago, school districts required students to receive a booster shot for pertussis. How does the above chart reflect why the booster was required and is there any trend showing it is working?

19 Finally... Tests to Assessments  Paper and Pencil Tests...  From the guess and bubble  To – Write, Explain, Interpret  To Performance Assessments

20 Hard work Game Changer Students are loving it!!!!!

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