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Making the world a better place, one software program at a time!

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Presentation on theme: "Making the world a better place, one software program at a time!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making the world a better place, one software program at a time!

2 What do we do? Determine New Software Requirements Design New Software Develop Computer Software Test Computer Software Work With Customers Support Customer Software and Hardware Assure the Quality of Computer Software

3 Software Making Us Safer Airplanes Cars Tractors Power Plants Satellite tracking and control

4 F/A-22 (Raptor) fighter: 1.7 million lines of code Avionics for Boeing 787 Dreamliner: 6.5 million lines

5 Embedded Systems Note many of these have no keyboard, display Known as embedded systems Low-end automobiles: 20 to 30 microprocessors High end: 100 million lines of code Going to 200-300 million Next generation air bags: predict who injured and where

6 Software in Medical Field Software in medical devices Pace makers, Implantable defibrillators Bionic limbs Medical information systems

7 Improve the Environment Carbon Management Greenhouse Gas Management Environmental Planning Ground Water Modeling

8 Help Us Communicate Better Web Applications Email Facebook Twitter Teleconferencing Cell phones

9 Improve Business Web and e-commerce systems Automated factory & warehouse systems Insurance software Banking software

10 More Fun! Computer games PlayStation Wii Xbox Virtual Reality systems Thousands of Web Games SW in appliances doubles every 18 months

11 Software Engineering Software Engineering: the application of sound engineering principles and techniques to gather and analyze the requirements for, design/architect, develop, test, and maintain software systems.

12 Software Engineering Software Engineering: the application of sound engineering principles and techniques to gather and analyze the requirements for, design/architect, develop, test, and maintain software systems. Just one part of a project!

13 Software Engineering Software Engineering: the application of sound engineering principles and techniques to gather and analyze the requirements for, design/architect, develop, test, and maintain software systems.

14 Software Engineering Software Engineering: the application of sound engineering principles and techniques to gather and analyze the requirements for, design/architect, develop, test, and maintain software systems.

15 Software Engineering Software Engineering: the application of sound engineering principles and techniques to gather and analyze the requirements for, design/architect, develop, test, and maintain software systems.

16 Software Engineering Software Engineering: the application of sound engineering principles and techniques to gather and analyze the requirements for, design/architect, develop, test, and maintain software systems.

17 Software Engineering Software Engineering: the application of sound engineering principles and techniques to gather and analyze the requirements for, design/architect, develop, test, and maintain software systems.

18 Software Engineering Software Engineering: the application of sound engineering principles and techniques to gather and analyze the requirements for, design/architect, develop, test, and maintain software systems.

19 Software Engineering: the application of sound engineering principles and techniques to gather and analyze the requirements for, design/architect, develop, test, and maintain software systems. Software Engineering

20 Why large teams? Most software systems are extremely complex Often: over 100,000,000 lines of code Thousands of person-years! Must have a solid design, architecture and plan before programming starts

21 Skills needed Solid math skills More importantly: creative problem-solving Requirements: what does the customer need? Design: satisfying the need Development: infinite ways to implement any design – want one that is clear, maintainable Testing: finding errors Other great things Flexible – many telecommute; set hours (within limits) New technologies, languages Learn lots about different areas

22 Placement & Salaries SE Placement Near 100% CS Placement About 80 - 90% Salaries Vary from middle $40K to $90K Average in low to mid $50K SE average is higher than CS average CS & SE among 10 fastest job growth next 10 yrs

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