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Chapter 4 Government Structure. Do Now Why have there been so few amendments in the last 200 years? Explain your answer.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 4 Government Structure. Do Now Why have there been so few amendments in the last 200 years? Explain your answer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 4 Government Structure

2 Do Now Why have there been so few amendments in the last 200 years? Explain your answer.

3 Information Journals - turn in window 01/05 through 01/14 Binders 01/05 through 01/16 - may submit at any point for grading - do not wait until last minute, no late submissions Late work no later than 01/14 Midterms - January 15-16

4 Current Events Teen fighting Ct - refusing chemotherapy - DCF says it has to act to save child’s life Can you compare Selma to Ferguson? - one speaks out against a policy, the other a mindset… these are two different ideas.

5 Do Now Why have there been so few amendments in the last 200 years? Explain your answer.

6 18 th Amendment Prohibition Amendment - banned sale, distribution, and trans. alcohol - was not illegal to drink took effect a year after ratification in 1919 - immediate impact? - long term impact?

7 19 th Amendment Women’s suffrage - effort since the 1800s - multiple attempts followed efforts of prohibition empowered women promoted equality

8 20 th Amendment Changes start and end time to terms Presidents Term - begins January 20 Congress Term - begins January 3 at noon succession on death of president elect

9 21 Amendment Repealed the 18 th Amendment – Ratified in 1933 during the Great Depression

10 22 nd Amendment Presidents typically served “2 terms” - several presidents attempted a 3 rd term Franklin D. Roosevelt - elected to 4 th term, died in office Limited President’s to serving two terms

11 23 rd Amendment Citizens from Washington, D.C. - given the right to vote in Federal elections

12 24 th Amendment Poll Tax - payment for privilege of voting - opposed by many people excluded many poor voters Amendment - eliminated poll taxes

13 25 th Amendment Presidential succession - resignation - illness – permanent or temporary - death Vice-President - official named to position - may be acting or permanent

14 26 th Amendment Voting age lowered - from 21-18 Response to young soldiers in Vietnam New Demographic - politicians and the young vote

15 27 th Amendment Regulates salaries of representatives - increases or decreases to take effect next term Proposed in 1789 Ratified 1992 - over 202 years to pass


17 Exit Summarize what you have learned about amendments 11- 27? What was significant about these amendments? Explain your answer.

18 Assignment Create an Amendment - can be of any subject matter - must be relevant to today - must be specific, be detailed, and defined Explanation (written) - define why this amendment needs to be passed - rationale for your choice

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