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The Restoration The Movement Divides Review Began in a time of division and confusion “Back to the Bible” was its plea Human creeds were denounced and.

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2 The Restoration The Movement Divides

3 Review Began in a time of division and confusion “Back to the Bible” was its plea Human creeds were denounced and the Bible was emphasized (2 Tim 3:16-17; Gal 1:8) The plan of salvation was presented as a reasonable gospel anyone could understand and obey (Mark 16:15-16) “We do Bible things in Bible ways, and call Bible things by Bible words”

4 1850-1900 Generally united and rapidly growing in 1850 –Known at times as Disciples of Christ, Christian Churches, Churches of Christ 1850-1900 –A discussion of missionary societies, church- supported colleges, and other institutions intensified –Some began arguing for instrumental music in worship By 1900 a three-way division was emerging

5 1900 The three-way division: –Christian Churches (Disciples of Christ) The most liberal (institutions, instruments, etc) Today are part of the World Council of Churches and recognize themselves as a denomination –Christian Churches (Independent) More conservative and did not have, nor want) a strong denominational hierarchy –Churches of Christ Most conservative, most exclusive and maintained more local independence Why did the division happen?

6 Characteristics of the early years of the movement Bold in condemning religious error Did not shy away from debates with denominational leaders and teachers Urged change and not peaceful coexistence –“We contend that all christian sects are more or less apostatized from the institutions of the Saviour.” Alexander Campbell Created opposition and resentment Many disciples were relatively poor and uncultured

7 Changing attitudes: 1850-1900 Some became unhappy with the negative view many outsiders had of the Disciples Meetinghouses became increasingly fancy –An attempt to match those of denominations Preachers were expected to be better educated and more respectable Wanted more positive preaching –Less preaching on sin Desired acceptance by other religious groups –Debating outsiders was discouraged –Instrumental music helped them fit in

8 Why were attitudes changing? Post-Civil War –Standard of living was becoming more comfortable More conveniences, higher wages at least in the cities –People were moving away from farming to work in the cities Farmers were able to be independent City-workers felt a need to “fit in” with neighbors and co-workers

9 The positive side of changes Christians are not to seek conflict –Rom 12:18 –2 Tim 2:23-26 To be lights in the world (Matt 5:14-16) Should live honorably (2 Cor 8:20-21)

10 The negative side of changes Christianity has always created conflict –2 Tim 2:3, 8-13, 3:12; Matt 10:21-28, 34-39 So unsought conflict should not be avoided Christians are despised by worldly people –1 Cor 4:9-13 If we fear being despised, then we are worldly NT preaching stirred up both Jews and Gentiles (Acts 17:5-6, 19:23-26) The message of the cross is “negative” for unrepentant sinners –Mt 7:13-14; 1 Cor 6:9-10; Gal 5:19-21; Rev 21:8

11 The negative side of changes Should be willing to defend their faith –Jude 3; Acts 6:8-10 Not attacking people (as often happens in modern debates), but defending Scripture with Scripture Not to be men-pleasers (Gal 1:10) Not to “fit in” with the world, nor desire to –1 Pet 2:11; 1 John 2:15-17 Not to look to the world for pattern for leadership/organization of the church –“Give us a king” (1 Sam 8:4-5, 19-20)

12 Conclusion Where are we today? –Are we more concerned about our image than our obedience? –What kind of preaching do we want? College graduates? –Graduates of “Bible colleges”? Want our neighbors to be comfortable? –No mention of specific denominations or their errors from the pulpit –No dwelling on sin Are we like Israel? 1 Sam 8:19-20


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