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Library at the Lake Mr. Zuke Week #3 Locating Information About the Real World.

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2 Library at the Lake Mr. Zuke Week #3 Locating Information About the Real World

3 Alignment to National Standards (AASL) 1.1.8 Demonstrate mastery of technology tools for accessing information and pursuing inquiry. 4.1.1 Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth. Assessment Limit 1.f Use search strategies.

4 Learning Targets I can research biographical information about a living author. I can use Google to perform an advanced search.

5 Social Intelligence S ECURITY When you’re in, you stay in. When you leave—you leave. Avoid all body contact. E TIQUETTE Persons with social intelligence: 1. Do not eat, drink, or chew in libraries 2. Push in their chairs. 3. Dispose of trash appropriately. 4. Refrain from the use of all personal electronics A CCEPTABLE USE 1. Sign an Acceptable Use agreement before using technoolgy. 2. Refrain from games, music, videos, blocked sites, and social networking sites. 3. Refrain from changing any wiring or settings.

6 How are you getting around socially?


8 Bookit! For ten minutes, we are going to become more socially intelligent by learning about ways to research biographies (people’s lives.) Some people’s lives really are stranger than fiction! Biography

9 Then we’re going to plug in to cyberspace and learn a better way to Google. Google Advanced Search 10 minutes

10 Finally, we will have a silent time to browse for books and read quietly. 25 minutes 25

11 So let’s roll up our sleeves and get started!

12 Bookit! Biography

13 Let me show you how.

14 3 Locations—One Near You REF 920 921 Many persons in one book; usually alphabetical by last name. Look at the title for a clue of who’s inside. Brief information. Several in one book; use the index and table of contents. Look at the title for a clue of who’s inside. Medium amount of information. One person discussed per book; use the index and table of contents. Extended amount of information; may be too much information. Best Pick for Leisure Reading QUICK

15 Examples REF 920 921

16 Now you try it.

17 What’s behind each door? REF 920920921

18 Cyberspace: A Better Way to Google Find what you want without a lot of clicking around! 10 minutes

19 Hmmm.I want my neighbor to read the “I Have a Dream” speech, but he only reads Spanish.

20 Let me show you how.

21 Click the “advanced search” button. Leave it empty!

22 Choose your preferences and then click the advanced search button at the bottom.

23 Jackpot!


25 Now you try it the next time you’re Googling.

26 Optional Reading Station: Google Maps

27 This is new to you, so a few tips are in order. Listen up for a minute!

28 I will be driving near Hampden today, and I’ll need to buy some sinus medicine. I wonder if they have any Rite Aid stores there. What street would they be on? And is there a place to park? I’m driving my dad’s truck today, and it needs a lot of room.

29 Click here. Leave it empty.

30 Give Google enough information to work with.

31 Great! Two Rite Aids in Hampden.

32 Let’s enlarge things a bit.

33 Great! I see a big parking lot. It’s right at the corner of Falls Road and 37 th Street. I’m going!

34 Now you try it! If this same person had to go to 100 East Main Street in Westminster, Maryland, would he have enough room to park his big truck?

35 SHHHHH……………………………………. 25 minutes 25

36 Y’All come back, now!

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