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Presented BY; M/E International, Inc. Brea, Ca 92821 714-624-3547 714-624-3547.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented BY; M/E International, Inc. Brea, Ca 92821 714-624-3547 714-624-3547."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented BY; M/E International, Inc. Brea, Ca 92821 714-624-3547 714-624-3547

2 M/E International, Inc. J. R. (Jim) Ford, President WEBSITE: M/E Outreach Office: USCWM M/E International, Inc. J. R. (Jim) Ford, President Brea, California 714-624-3547 WEBSITE: M/E Outreach Office: Dr. James Butare, VP Outreach USCWM 626-394-3312

3 Cassette Discipleship Program (CDP) (2007 AD)

4 Early CDP Partners ================ 1. M/E International, Inc. (1984 -) 2. Gifts of India. (1985-) 3. Ghana, Africa. (2001-) 4. Liberia, Nigeria, Kenya. (2002-) 5. Cameroon. (2003-)+(6, 7 & 8) 6. The rest of Africa’s countries. (2004-) 7. China, Indonesia, Brazil/S.A. (2004-) 8. Europe and Russia. (2004-)

5 Ministry Partners =================================================================================== Global RecordingsGlobal Recordings of Temecula, California. Cassette Players and Media. (Ross Lange – Coordinator) (2005-) MegaVoiceMegaVoice of Israel Digital Players and Media. (Charles Cibene – Coordinator) (2005-)

6 Our Challenge: The ‘fields” are ripe unto harvest. Therefore, send forth the harvesters. Our Opportunity: To reap a great harvest of precious souls from all Nations – to lead them to our Lord

7 The following panels will: Confirm our Strategy Strategy to send villagers to reach out to villagers -- Harvesting Souls Souls; Report progress from the Harvest fields – those led to our Lord Lord; Verify and accredit Harvest Reports Reports – via the “Power of One” One” concept.

8 Profiling a Typical Village Evangelist (VE) ==================================================== Loves the Lord – VOLUNTEERS to care and share Him to his villagers. Probably not literate – uses audio players. Home is in one of his 10 villages. Ministers under a local supervisor. As an On-the-job candidate, he is trained with an active VE for 6-months. (CONTINUED NEXT PANEL)

9 Profiling typical VE (Continued) Profiling typical VE ======================================================================= He regularly reaches out to the villagers of his 10 villages (about 10,000 villagers). Typically leads 20+ to the Lord each week (The villagers are hungry to hear of the true and living God who loves them). (CONTINUED NEXT PANEL)

10 Profiling Typical VE (Continued) Profiling Typical VE ======================================================================================== On-the-job trains three candidate VEs every 6-months. Regularly plants new church fellowships. Reports regularly to his supervisor. Works his day job and ministers evenings. Uses a bicycle to regularly reach his 10,000 villagers.

11 Benefits Village Evangelists (VEs) The Benefits of using Village Evangelists (VEs) ============================== They live among their villagers – relate! They are same ‘size’ and skin color! They speak the same language.

12 Benefits of using (Continued) The Benefits of using Village Evangelists (VEs) ============================================================================= They eat the same foods and water. Their immune systems are set. They understand the villagers ways. They are accepted and respected! They easily communicate to the villagers! They care and share with their peers.

13 Let’s look at a “Typical” VE (all are similar)!

14 The Power of One -- Multiplied by thousands thousands – ================================ With VEs all over the World – by the thousands – we find it difficult to comprehend the ‘near astronomical’ quantities of the harvest reported. Each VE is essentially an independent and unique entity – yet, very similar. (Continued next panel)

15 (Continued) The Power of One ============================================= Yes, each VE is unique and potent, -- an independent yet typical force for presenting the Gospel to the Nations. So then, -- the summation of all the VE’s harvest projections, in a country and/or over the whole World, is seen to be quite meaningful and accurate. Yes, as such, even now (2007 AD) the World’s CDP harvest is arguably over 15 million souls.

16 A Few Harvest Totals to Consider =================================================================================== CDP-GhanaCDP-Ghana: 320,000 harvested harvested in 2007 AD, from the EWE language group alone. (similar potential with the TWI and FraFra languages) – 20 per month per VE. CDP-ChinaCDP-China: Potential from 15,000 VEs is about 150-Million being reached, with perhaps 10% harvested; that’s that’s 15-Million to the Lord Lord per year without equipment, and up to 4-TIMES as many many later when VEs are equipped.

17 Continued: Some other Harvest Totals to Consider ================================================== The previous panel represented the reported results for 2007 AD from just Ghana and China China. Extrapolating these values to the end of 2010 AD AD (based upon having equipment for all VEs VEs by mid 2009 AD) we project a potential total harvest well in excess of a Billion precious souls souls.

18 Power of One YES, The Power of One ======================================= the CDP Way It is the CDP Way! – presenting the Gospel! One VE One VE – thousands to the Nations! Gospel to the forgotten and ignoredMultiplying the Gospel to the forgotten and ignored of our World. white unto harvest!Yes, meeting the need – for the field is indeed white unto harvest! half of our World’s populationTruly, over half of our World’s population is in drastic need!

19 Effective CDP Harvest ========================================================== With the 2007 AD “Power of One” VEs VEs we have experienced major harvests harvests – showing conclusively that the CDP process process is on track and viable – poignant and worthy of full support support. YES- - The Lord has given us a World class network network of dedicated VEs VEs (each a Power “Power of One One”) – all uniquely continuing to add into a major Harvest of SOULS SOULS, -- perhaps a BILLION by the end of 2010 AD AD.

20 M/E International, Inc. J. R. (Jim) Ford, President WEBSITE: M/E Outreach Office: USCWM M/E International, Inc. J. R. (Jim) Ford, President Brea, California 714-624-3547 WEBSITE: M/E Outreach Office: Dr. James Butare, VP Outreach USCWM 626-394-3312

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